Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Branwood Preparatory School (“we” or “us”) is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales Company No. 01644174 . This statement describes our policy and practices with regard to processing of Personal Information on our website with URL “” (“the Site”).

Use of cookies

When you view the Site, we may store some information on your computer in the form of a cookie file (referred to here as “Cookies”), which will enable us to tailor the Site to improve your browsing experience. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

The Cookies we use on the Site can be described as follows:

Name Description Expiration
Cookies used by the Content Management System
exp_tracker This cookie keeps track of the last 5 pages you visited on the Site and allows us to redirect you to the page you were on before sending us an email through a contact form. When you close your browser
exp_last_activity This cookie contains the date of your last activity on the Site. One year
exp_last_visit This cookie is only relevant to registered users and contains data relating to the dates of your visits to the Site. One year
Cookies used by Google Analytics
__utma This cookie keeps track of the number of times a visitor has been to the Site, as well as information about when their first visit was, and when their last visit occurred. All data is anonymous. 2 years from set/update
__utmb The __utmb and __utmc  cookies work together to calculate how long a visit takes. __utmb takes a timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor enters the Site, while __utmc takes a timestamp of the exact moment in time when a visitor leaves. The cookies’ effect can be said to wait 30 minutes for another pageview to happen, and if it does not, they expire. When you close your browser
__utmc See __utmb 30 minutes after you close your browser
__utmz This cookie allows analytics to ascertain where the visitor came from, what search engine was used, what link the user clicked on, what keyword was used, and from where in the world the Site was accessed. It is used to calculate search engine traffic, advertising campaigns and page navigation within the Site. 6 months from set/update