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New Sports Kit
The biggest thank you to Mr and Mrs Nugent and Godal Technologies for our new sports kits. They have kindly sponsored our new football, netball and cross country team kits and we can’t wait to be able to show them off at the upcoming sporting events and competitions. Thank you also to Mr & Mrs…
Science & Clay Masks
Between ongoing work spent refining exam technique, Form 6 have enjoyed their forays into their study of Science, where the children mixed together various acidic and alkaline liquids, before then recording and analysing the effects upon their colour. They were also able to flex their creative muscles during a bonus Forest School session. Here the…
Vitruvian Man Theory
During Science, Form 5 enjoyed studying Leonardo Da Vinci and testing his Vitruvian Man theory about the proportions of the human body. For the most part, his findings did indeed appear to hold up to our testing! For example, we discovered that the width of one’s shoulders was indeed a quarter of one’s height. It…
Eat A Rainbow
Form 1 were keen to start their new DT topic, Eat a Rainbow. The first lesson focused on distinguishing between fruits and vegetables and knowing which part of a plant they might eat. Their observational drawings were impressive, we were particularly impressed by how carefully they sketched. When tasked with matching the fruit or vegetable to the part…
Ready to Learn
The children have returned after their Winter break refreshed and ready to learn. They have enjoyed being back at school (and some of the parents).Our firework pictures which have been ongoing have been used to create a Happy New Year display reminding us all that this year is going to be an amazing one for us…
Chinese New Year
We were treated to a colourful, informative and entertaining Chinese New Year assembly, organised and delivered by our parents and pupils. After assembly everyone was involved in workshops such as Chinese dances, songs, origami to name but a few. We also received red envelopes and fortune cookies. 新年快乐 Happy New Year
Gingerbread Reindeer
Form 1 had great fun making ‘Gingerbread Reindeer’. They did a wonderful job of following the instructions. We are very proud of them all. They enjoyed their creations as a break time snack, and they were delicious!
KG2 have enjoyed all of their Christmas activities this half term. The children were amazing Bethlehem travellers in our production of ‘Simply the Nativity.’ Christmas jumper day for Save the Children on the day of our school Christmas lunch, went down a treat. The classroom became a Winter Wonderland with Santa’s Grotto, decorations, snow pictures…
Christmas Jumper Day
It was lovely to see so many bright and varied Christmas jumpers on our very own Christmas Jumper day. Donations to Save the Children totalling £138 were made and the whole school was buzzing with excitement. This also coincided with our Christmas lunch, made from scratch by Mr Pattinson and his amazing team. What a…
Debate Club
This half term saw the return of Branwood’s debate club. Pupils from Year 5 and 6 are invited to attend after school on Friday’s. The children are given a statement to debate and give their opinions of whether they agree, disagree or a combination of both. The children are also welcome to raise their own…
Eco School Update
Our Eco School Committee has had a busy term. After setting out their agenda for the year, they soon set their plans into action. Their three chosen areas to focus on this year are marine, water, and energy. As a team, they decided on three ways to support each area. To reduce the amount of…
We were able to donate over 50 items to Wood Street Mission’s Toy Appeal, through our parent generosity. Thank you so much!
Christmas Fair
A wonderful time was had by all at our annual Christmas Fair. There was an opportunity for the children to visit Santa, and he even had some of his Elves to help him. We had the ever popular bottle and chocolate tombola stalls as well as glitter tattoos, splat the turkey and name the teddy….
The Green Man Myth
Form 4 learnt about the myth of The Green Man (and woman!) The Green Man is a symbol deeply rooted in Celtic lore and is associated with the cyclical nature of life and nature deity. Through mythology, folklore, and Pagan beliefs, the Green Man represents the spiritual significance of nature and the divine symbol of rebirth and renewal. The children…
Find the Teddy
In Forest School Form 2 met Jess for the first time. She started the session by outlining the rules for Forest School and then talking about what we’d be learning in the session. The children we’re particularly interested in the big mushrooms. The children then went on a hunt for Jess’ teddies who had hidden…
Autumn Leaves
KG1 began their Forest School adventures. The children were very excited to explore the outdoors. They sang some Autumn songs accompanied by Jess on her Ukelele and collected Autumn leaves to make a lovely Autumn leaf collage.
Odd Socks Day
Thank you everyone – We raised a fantastic £156 on Odd Socks Day for the Anti Bullying Alliance.
Form 4 made some moving Remembrance Day art by creating a tissue paper sunset with a striking silhouette soldier. Lest we forget ♥️
Aesop’s Fables
Form 4 have been learning all about Aesop’s fables in their English lessons. The children have been working in groups to work out the morals in the stories, as well as analysing common features, including anthropomorphism! They are now looking forward to writing their own.
Simply The Nativity
What a treat we have all had watching KG1 to Form 2 children performing Simply The Nativity to the rest of the school as well as to all the parents and grandparents. What a wonderful start to the festive celebrations.
Aliens in Form 1
In English, Form 1 have been studying fictional stories. The first book they looked at was Aliens Love Underpants. The focus was to describe characters and settings. The children started by designing and painting an alien character, before moving on to writing character descriptions. The focus was then on writing a description of an alien planet….
Science, Art and Nature
In science Form 3 have been learning about light, how light is needed to see and what different light sources are used. In art, the children have started to create pointillism in the style of Georges Seurat which they have been thoroughly enjoying. In our first forest school this half term the children used outdoor…
Debate Club
This half term saw the return of Branwood’s debate club. Pupils from Year 5 and 6 are invited to attend after school on Friday’s. The children are given a statement to debate and give their opinions of whether they agree, disagree or a combination of both. The children are also welcome to raise their own…
Eco Committee Round Up
Our Eco School Committee has had a busy term. After setting out their agenda for the year, they soon set their plans into action. Their three chosen areas to focus on this year are marine, water, and energy. As a team, they decided on three ways to support each area. To reduce the amount of…
Vector Image Making
Over the past few weeks, Form 5 and 6 pupils have been exploring the exciting world of vector graphics in their IT lessons. They have learned to use a range of digital tools to create detailed vector images, starting with simple shapes and building on their skills each week to produce impressive designs. The students…
KG2 have enjoyed collecting leaves as part of their topic on Autumn this term. Inspired by the artist Guiseppi Arcimboldo’s paintings, they created their own leaf faces, using the leaves they had collected. The children have enjoyed learning all about the Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights. One of the children spoke about their experiences…
Netball Success
Our Netball B team recently played their first match together in a friendly at Bridgewater School. It was a very exciting game where we were in the lead right up to the last quarter, only to be pipped at the post by two goals at the end. This was the first ever netball match for…
Sensory Poems
As part of their English topic on Sensory Poems, Form 1 got into the spooky spirit and wrote poems. They used their senses to help them with their ideas, thinking carefully about the adjectives they chose. The children understood that adjectives have the power to change the style of their poem. Asking themselves, did they…
Anderton Centre Trip
Some of our Form 3 pupils attended an action packed residential trip to The Anderton Centre recently. The intrepid adventurers tried climbing as well as canoeing and had a wonderful time. They had a wonderful time and the weather was very kind to them too!
Camp Fire Bannocks
In preparation for their Anglo-Saxon day Form 4 cooked bannocks (traditional oat cakes) on an open fire in their Forest School session, followed by a sing-a-long. The children really enjoyed themselves and the consensus was that they would taste delicious with honey!
Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
What a lovely afternoon we had on Friday, raising money for Macmillan Cancer Care at our annual coffee afternoon. Thank you for all your kind donations which enabled us to raise an amazing £388 to support this wonderful cause. A big thank you to all our parents who supported us and attended the event and…
National Computing Week
Our Form 5 and Form 6 students buzzed with excitement as they coded their very own name badges using the BBC micro:bit in celebration of National Computing Week! Each student explored the basics of programming, crafting unique designs that lit up with vibrant colours and animations. This hands-on activity encouraged creativity and collaboration while helping…
Around the World
Form 1 had great fun creating rain sticks as part of their Geography unit, Around the World. These were inspired by their lesson on Australia where they read about the didgeridoo, boomerangs and Uluru, a sacred place for Australian Aboriginal people. The didgeridoo is believed to be the world’s oldest wind instrument, dating back thousands…
KG1 Jigsaw
KG1 have had a super week in school. The children have been busy making friends, playing and learning together. In PSHEE the children learnt all about being part of the KG1 ‘class jigsaw’. Our KG1 classroom is a real life puzzle. Everyone is a special part of our class jigsaw and together we make a…
Forest Food!
This week we enjoyed our second forest school lesson in KG2. We played a game on the playground at the start of the lesson to warm us up and then we were creating our own forest school restaurants. Children were in groups collecting ‘Forest food’ to cook and serve to our guests. What fun we…
Reporting and Friction
It has been a wonderful week in Form 3 with lots of learning and excellent attitude. In English all the children showed amazing confidence when they presented their non-chronological report about their unusual sports to the class. The children also displayed super listening skills and were a perfect audience for…
Musical Success
Congratulations to our talented music pupils who all passed their ABRSM music exams which they took just before we broke up for the summer. We had 21 pupils taking exams in total with a 100% pass rate! Amazing work everybody!
Pupil Parliament
Last week the pupils in Form 1-6 held elections to vote for their new Pupil Parliament members. Our team is growing. This year, members from last year’s Parliament have been invited to do a second year. They will be joined by two additional class members. This means more pupils will be involved in making decisions…
Pupil Leadership Team 2024-25
Following a challenging selection process we are delighted to announce our Pupil Leaders for 2024-25. Well Done to all of you! …
Mr Men
Another productive week has passed very quickly. Form 2 have been busy, enjoying the start of our English unit of work about the author Roger Hargreaves. We learnt that he is one of world’s most successful children’s authors and that his son Adam is continuing to write the Mr Men stories today. We have retold…
Lighting Things Up!
Form 4 have been lighting things up in Science this week! We have been exploring how to create and draw circuits with different components, as well as accurately predicting whether circuits will work or not based on diagrams. You would be ‘shocked’ at how much they’ve learnt already! …
Stepping into Sport
KG1 have had a super first full week in class this week. The children have enjoyed their first Phonic sessions and have been on listening walks outside and inside school. They heard some very interesting sounds and tried very hard to record their findings on their Phonic worksheet. The children were very excited to take…
Weighing into Science
Form 5 have been exploring forces as part of their science studies. We talked about gravity and how it works with our mass to generate our weight. The children used Newton meters to measure the forces required to lift different objects from the Earth’s surface. We also discussed how our weight would work out as…
Extreme Reading Challenge
Our extreme reading challenge is under way, and you have until Friday 27th September to get your entries in. Here are Mrs Hadcock, reading whilst on a trip to the Lake District and Harrison turning the world upside down as he enjoys a good book.
Artists at Work
Form 1 continue to amaze me with their excellent attitude to learning, kindness and outstanding manners. I’ve received many compliments from staff about their manners and behaviour! As artists, they studied primary colours and experimented with colour mixing. In geography, they visited China and familiarised themselves with Chinese culture. Pupils enjoyed trying to write in Chinese and everybody aced…
Hard Workers
This week Form 3 have continued to show me how hard working they are, they have demonstrated a keen interest in lessons working independently and together. We have continued to learn about unusual sports and the children have enjoyed working together to continue their research, making notes and then using conjunctions to extend their sentences….
Exploring numbers
This week the children have really enjoyed their literacy and maths lessons. In literacy they have been learning about the Seasons, reading the book ‘Leaf Man’ and going on an Autumn Walk around the grounds. At the beginning of the week during maths lessons, the children demonstrated excellent scissor control whilst independently ordering numbers from…
A Wonderful Start
Form 1 have made an outstanding start to the year. Classroom jobs have been allocated and pupils are enjoying a more formalised timetable. In science, we studied the human body and attempted drawing and labelling our body. This has made quite an impressive display in our classroom! In maths, we have been busy revising place value…
Classroom Charter
What a fantastic first full week back we have all had! Everyone has settled very well into our new class routines and are already working extremely hard. In PSHE this week we all composed and agreed on our Form 2 classroom charter. Everyone came up with very thoughtful and sensible ideas about what will make…
Mature approach to learning
This week we have made a good start with our English and maths curriculum and have started learning about the Victorians. We had an individual lesson discussing the 9/11 disaster. Specific focus was on the first responders, who we believe were the true heroes. As a dedication to these first responders, borrowing an idea from…
Keen to start learning
It has been such a wonderful first full week back and Form 3 have been working very hard. In Science we are learning about magnets and the children enjoyed exploring what was magnetic in and around school. In English we are beginning to explore non chronological reports and over the coming weeks the children will…
Settling In
KG1 have had their ‘settling in week’ and the children have enjoyed their first few days in school. They have met their new friends, learnt some of the KG1 routines and explored their new environment. Some of the children have participated in their first Spanish, Music, I.T and P.E lessons. As they begin full time,…
Stick Man
KG2 have made an amazing start to the new school year. They have settled in well and are showing us just how clever they are. This week, we have been reading two books in our literacy lessons: Stick Man and Stanley’s Stick. During one lesson, the children chose a picture from the story ‘Stick Man’…
Phase 2 – Building Development – Completion
We are delighted to share with you some images of the completed upper school classrooms and cloakrooms. You will all have an opportunity in the next few weeks to see the transformation for yourselves and to see what a wonderful environment has been created to support and nurture the children on their educational journey with…
Phase 2 – Building Development – During…
The works meant a complete strip-out of the existing upper school classrooms, a new roof and new windows. Here are some images of the progress over the summer.
Phase 2 – Building Development – Before
As you all know we have been very busy over the summer with the Phase 2 redevelopment of the upper school block. This included the complete refurbishment of the four classroom and the cloakrooms. We are delighted with the results and hope that when the children return to school later this week that they will…
Maths Genius
KG2 children never cease to amaze us and the journey that they take us on is always a fabulous one. We have been learning to count in twos, fives, and tens this year and the children are really good at doing this ready for Form 1. Kushal has taken this one step further by showing…
Ready for the show
Form 3 have had a very busy and exciting week rehearsing for the show. They have worked so hard to practice their songs and parts, I am very proud of them all. We have also been creating some of the props for the show and the children have thoroughly enjoyed painting and helping. Well done…
Growing Up!
KG1 enjoyed forest school this week and we were blessed with fine weather. The children made fairy doors, homes for fairies and had lots of fun looking for fairy treasure. Blowing bubbles was lots of fun too. The children have also felt very grown up this week. They have been getting ready for KG2 and…
Super Heroes
The end of the year is fast approaching. This half-term is all about superheroes. In history, we have investigated the work of Edward Jenner, the creator of the smallpox vaccine, and William Wilberforce, who eradicated slavery in England. In Science, we have learnt about the superheroes, Mae Jemison, the first black woman to go to…
Community Links
We are delighted to have teamed up with Clarendon Road Community Primary school, to share some of our wonderful school facilities. They have very limited outside green space and the staff have been using local public areas to give the children an opportunity to connect with nature and promote wellbeing. The school already have a…
Athletics Success
Ismail was chosen out of 100’s of competitors to represent the ISA North Athletics team at the National Championships in Birmingham on Monday. He ran in the 150m individual and 100m relay races. We are absolutely delighted to share that he won gold in both events! His personal time for the 150m was 21.85, just 0.85…
Eco School Award – Distinction
We would like to share our excitement with you as Mrs Houseman and the pupil parliament have achieved our Eco School Award with distinction. Some of the comments noted on our award were ‘It is evident that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and passionate about protecting our planet – your…
Charity Run
A HUGE well done to Monoyo and Aninoritse, who took part in the AJ Bell Junior Manchester run.They raised and amazing £450 for the Inner City Back-to-School Campaign, which helps under privileged children, to get an education.
Football Success
Congratulations to Ajae who has signed for Liverpool FC this week – Well done Ajae we are super proud of you!
Liverpool Museum Trip
Form 5 and Form 6 had a wonderful day at the Liverpool Museum, on Thursday. We saw some interesting exhibits, including some real Ancient Egyptian mummies, dinosaur artifacts as well as many more! The main focus and highlight of our trip was the space exhibition. The children had the opportunity to lift a piece of…
Sea Creatures
Form 2 have completed some excellent projects about different sea creatures. This week it was the turn of Alyssa, Xavier, Isla and Fahad. All of them spoke clearly and presented their work creatively.
A Busy Week
Form 4 have had a fantastic first week back. We have been investigating Roman Numerals, finishing off our work on playscripts, beginning our learning on Buddhist festivals and, to top it off, creating a working model of the digestive system!
Special Visitors
KG2 and Form 1 invited their father figures to join us for breakfast. Our dads and uncles came to school in the morning to join us for pastries and juice. They were presented with a trophy, medal and a card, whilst each child shared what their dad was good at. It was lovely to hear…
Fathers Day with Form 1
A great time was had by all as Form 1 were joined by their dads for a special breakfast. Warm pastries were enjoyed while the children sat with their dads, drawing portraits and completing activities. Each father was awarded a trophy and a medal in recognition of all the wonderful things they do. There were…
Animal Homework Projects
The children really wowed with their homework projects. Each project was completely unique, and everyone chose a different favourite animal to research and present. The ways in which they were presented were so creative, colourful and detailed. The children demonstrated super confidence, when presenting their projects to the class. Demonstrating excellent speaking and listening skills.
Come Dine With Me
We have recently invited parents into school to ‘Come Dine’ with their children. Mr Pattinson and his team have produced some lovely food as always and the events have been a resounding success. We’ve really enjoyed sharing the lunchtime experience with our parents and are glad that you have enjoyed it too.
Hockey Success
Well done to our lower school hockey team. They had brilliant success at the Salford Schools Hockey Tournament held at Bridgewater School last week. We demonstrated some fantastic skills and scored some brilliant goals, going on to win the whole tournament. Understandably the team are extremely proud of their gold medals and we are very…
Abba Mania
What a wonderful start to Friday morning last week. We started the day celebrating 50 years since Abba won Eurovision with Waterloo. Each class performed a well known Abba song and many children came dressed up – It was amazing, the hall was rocking and everyone really enjoyed themselves.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
A very big thank you from the Pupil Parliament to Tara, her mum & Lana who held a pre-loved uniform sale this week. They raised an amazing £78 which is going to the Lifeshare charity appeal. Each item purchased was saved from going to the landfill and has reduced our carbon footprint. We have an…
Pupil Parliament
We are asking you to LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE. The Great Big Spring clean is underway. As a school, we have pledged to collect 50 bags of rubbish from local communities, and we are asking for help. We have 70 litter pickers available for pupils and families to borrow to take home and litter pick…
Busy Form 3
What a wonderful week again for Form 3 with so much enthusiasm for learning. Form 3 have worked diligently to complete all homework to a high standard, well done. This week in Forest School the children loved taking part in an array of activities, including making flower perfume, creating fire, clay candles and weaving. Lots…
KG1 have had a busy, happy week in school enjoying all their learning. The children had the last Forest school of the term and it was so, so muddy! Nevertheless, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They jumped in the mud, played hide and seek among the trees, planted sunflowers, made leaf soup in the mud…
Form 4 were celebrating the beginning of Spring (despite the rain!) in Forest School by planting sunflowers, weaving and making seed mosaics! We have also made stencils to create a Blitz skyline picture full of contrast and different tones.
Exploring Africa
This week we have explored Africa. In Geography, we located it on the map and studied life in Kenya. We looked at the animals that live there and how the capital city of Nairobi compares to life in a village. In English, we used the iPads to create animal fact files. We learnt how to…
Class Assembly
Form Five have been practicing their vocabulary, as a part of our Complete Comprehension unit. We have made it a little more fun with a dictionary game, where the children see how speedily they can look up new key vocabulary, that crops up on each Comprehension test, in a dictionary. A little friendly competition goes…
The Salford Museum & The Lowry Art Gallery
The highlight of our week has been our school trip to The Salford Museum and The Lowry Art Gallery. We have been learning about life in Victorian times and famous people of that era. At the museum we learnt about a Victorian washday and helped Mr Brown wash his stinky socks. We had fun playing…
Goldilocks and The Three Bears
This week the children have been showing us just how clever they are, ready for the Easter Reports. They have also enjoyed the first of two weeks concentrating on the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ After reading and understanding the story, they sequenced it and enjoyed hot seating. Children volunteered to be either Goldilocks…
Form 6 were our accomplished physicists this week, as we emulated Sir Isaac Newton’s famous experiments with light and prisms. We decided to test his long-held theory that white light is made up of all of the colours of the rainbow. In our mission to do this, we created ‘colour wheels’. We span our wheels…
Topic Work
We are really enjoying our topic, stories from other cultures. We have read The Runaway Chapati which is set in India and Handa’s Surprise which is set in Kenya. We are looking forward to reading more. In Geography, we have explored Australia and in particular Aboriginal Art. In Science, we have successfully grown and tasted…
The Great British Spring Clean
It was another busy week for Pupil Parliament. Ava-Grace gave stickers out for us to put on our light switches to remind us to save energy by turning off the lights when we leave a room. We are busy creating posters to display around the school to remind parents to turn off their engines when…
On Wednesday we played our first home game in the Worsley Schools netball A league. We hosted Wardley CE Primary School and enjoyed a great match against them, winning 12-5. Our player of the match was awarded to Ella and Lottie was given our player of the week award for great improvement in skills. Well…
Nunchaku Success
Nunchaku Tournament Alaia from KG2 took part in the first Nunchaku sport tournament in the North West last weekend. She won ‘best sports person’ of the tournament for her tenacity, sportsmanship and for her bravery – fighting others a lot older and bigger than her. Well done Alaia – you are amazing and we are…
World Book Day
Form Five have been working so hard on their preparation for their examinations this week! It was nice to have a little break on Thursday, to celebrate World Book Day! Lots of children came to school in their cosy pyjamas and we even had some brilliant book-related costumes! Has anyone seen Wally?
Famous People
What a busy and fun week it’s been! Forest School is always a favourite part of our week and we were blessed with lovely Spring weather for a bug hunt. We have continued to enjoy learning more about Florence Nightingale and produced really thoughtful character writing about how different people such as her parents and…
Crucial Crew & WBD
Last week, Form 6 enjoyed a valuable visit to Crucial Crew at the Haldane Barracks in Salford. Across our three hours there, we learned all about how to stay safe and prevent coming to harm. From learning about the dangers of venturing onto railway lines to understanding why cigarettes and vaping are best avoided, Form…
Busy Week
In Form 3 this week we have started to learn about The Romans, looking at when they ruled and what came before and after them, placing historical events on a timeline. In Forest School this week Form 3 thoroughly enjoyed our session, taking part in a super bug hunt, making caterpillars out of wood and…
Mother’s Day Assembly
On Tuesday Form 1 and KG2 performed their class assembly. The theme was Mother’s Day and we invited our mums and any special ladies in our lives to come and watch. The children performed beautifully. They each read out why their mums are special and showed a picture which they had drawn of their mum….
Mother’s Day
The highlight of our week was our Mother’s Day assembly on Tuesday morning. Miss Macdonald and I were very proud of Form 1. They each stood in front of an audience and were able to speak aloud. They put a lot of effort into making the assembly special and I know the mums left feeling…
Mother’s Day
KG1 have been very busy this week. The children have been thinking about how important their Mum’s are to them and they have been making some lovely art and crafts for Mother’s Day. They have also been very busy matching quantities to numerals, working in their Maths workbooks. The children have also been working hard…
Branwood History in the Making
On Tuesday our netball team played a fantastic away game as part of the Worsley Schools League against St Augustine’s C of E. The final score was 15-5 to Branwood. Well done to all the team and a special mention for Ella who was nominated player of the match. For the first time in Branwood’s…
Lacrosse Success
Yesterday we took part in the Salford School’s Lacrosse qualifiers hosted by St Edmunds RC Primary. Our players had a fantastic afternoon showcasing skills learnt from their lessons in school. They did brilliantly, ending up with bronze medals and narrowly missed representing Salford in the Nationals. A massive well done to all of the team. You…
Sean Perkins visit to Form 1
We saw the return of author Sean Perkins this week. Form 1 had great fun turning their ‘Teacher into a Creature’. Sean has visited Branwood a number of times and his visits have always been enjoyable. Form 1 really enjoyed his silly stories and enthusiastic storytelling.
Form 4 have made great progress with our WWII topic this week! We have been exploring shading techniques and have been using grids to help us to recreate photographs of WWII aircrafts. We have also been looking at the roles of different men and women who helped with the war effort – a highlight was…
Famous People & Teacher Creatures
We have been learning lots about various famous people this week, including Florence Nightingale and LS Lowry. The children have been giving presentations of their individual projects. They have all been amazing, with the children speaking loudly and clearly and answering some challenging questions about their individual famous person. Well done to everyone. We also loved our…
A Busy Week in Form 3
Form 3 have had another busy and exciting week. We had a visit from Sean Perkins, an author. The children firstly attended his assembly and then later took part in a brilliant poetry workshop with Form 4. The workshop was about Space Poetry and the children looked at how to create a rhyming poem titled…
Sean Perkins visit to Form 5 & 6
Form 5 and Form 6 had a wonderful time with author, Sean Perkins. Sean is a poet and songwriter, as well as an author, and ran a session for the children about how to write song lyrics and rhyming poems. The children had an amazing time and it was lovely to see some of their…
Sean Perkins visit to KG2
KG2 enjoyed listening to Sean Perkins talk about his books in assembly. He then came to visit our class. He introduced the children to a character called ‘Silly Pie’ who eats rhyming words. The children enjoyed feeding Silly Pie with rhyming words and singing a song with Sean. They then made their own rhyming word…
Sean Perkins Visit to KG1
KG 1 children enjoyed listening to Sean Perkins “Oscar and Ben” story and drawing cat Oscar using 2D shapes.
Lunar New Year at the Beehive
Mrs Morais and the Beehive staff has been busy working with the children to create a display for Lunar New Year. The children have really enoyed themselves making chinese lanterns and helping with the display.
Phase 1 Timelapse
Please take a look at the timelapse video showing where it began and the end product…..
Before and After
Check out the before and after images – What a transformation! BEFORE AFTER
Progress Update
It was lovely to come into school and see the progress that has been made. The new classroom has a fully fitted out teaching wall and even has a purpose built space for the piano. We are sure that you will agree that it is looking lovely and we can’t wait to use the new…
Fitting Out
The glazing for the new classroom is in and the fitting out has started. The lights have been installed on the main stairwell, and the painters are in. We can’t wait to share the new space with the children and to showcase it to you.
The lighting units are being installed in the new classroom. We can’t wait to see this stage of the development finished as it is really exciting.
Tapathon Success Grace danced in the Children in Need Tapathon on Sunday at the Trafford Centre as part of Miss Joanne’s Dance School. Over 33 million was raised for CIN with the help of all these wonderful dancing groups tapping across the UK! Well Done!
Form 2 have been thinking about diversity in our PSHE lessons. We discussed what things are the same about each of us and what things are unique. They really enjoyed doing some lovely personal artwork on what makes them special individuals.
Julia Donaldson at The Lowry
Form 1 went on a very exciting trip this week. After Christmas, we will be studying the work of Julia Donaldson. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Julia and Axel releasing their first book, A Squash and Squeeze. Form 1 visited the special exhibition and had great fun exploring artwork and interactive displays. We were…
Letter Formation
Another busy week for KG1 this week. The children are getting very excited for their Nativity performances and have been rehearsing with the rest of Lower school this week. Mrs Boulton came to visit KG 1 this week to see how busy we are. The children were working hard on Phonics, matching objects to their…
School Ambassadors
This week Form 6 showcased not only our school, but also their super speaking and listening skills in their roles as our Open Day tour guides. While explaining all of the need-to-know information about the school to our visitors, our children spoke from the heart about their love at being a part of the Branwood…
Grotto Preparation
This week KG2 have been learning about cold lands during their literacy lessons. They have researched, discussed and written about animals who live in either the Arctic or Antarctic. In maths they have been using the language tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest. The children have also worked hard helping Mrs Dickinson create a magical…
The Butterfly Lion
Form 4 are really enjoying their class novel, The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo. After a boy runs away from school (not advised!), he is befriended by an old lady who tells him the story of her friend Bertie who lived as a boy on a compound in the South African veld, near a water…
Christmas Preparation
Form 5 have been feeling festive and preparing for the upcoming Christmas season! We have decorated the tree this week. The children are welcome to bring their own bauble to add to the tree; Charlotte already has done! We will be exploring winter and Christmas, as a theme in our writing lessons, next week!
Open Day Guides
We held two Open Days this week to give prospective parents the opportunity to look around our school and experience it during a normal school day. Both days were extremely well attended. Our Form 6 children acted as our tour guides around the main school building and as always presented themselves and our school in…
Hedgehog Den
Form 5 had a great Forest School session; even with the challenging weather situation. The children had a go at making a nature den for hedgehogs. Lottie said, “We found sticks and hammered them into the ground to make sturdy dens.” Seb continued, “We dug ditches toward the den so the hedgehogs could crawl to…
The letter t
This week the children have been very busy learning all the songs for the Nativity. They are singing with gusto and their favourite song to sing is Bundle of Joy. They are looking forward to being on the stage, taking the part of the different animals and wearing their costumes. In class the sound of…
Castle Assembly
The definite highlight for Form 2 this week has to be their fantastic assembly about our Castles topic. All members of ‘Castle Branwood’ worked so hard and performed amazingly, speaking loudly and clearly, learning their lines and actions to our songs. They are very proud of themselves and looking forward to taking the stage once again…
Aliens Love Underpants
In English, we have been studying the work of Clare Freeman. Form 1 thoroughly enjoyed listening to Aliens Love Underpants and were inspired to create their own aliens for our class display. This was followed with lessons on writing character descriptions. In maths, we have been studying place value, and had a very successful lesson…
Our multi-talented Form 6 children have spent the week making sure that our classroom showcases the best of us. From creative writing to art skills, our classroom is really looking the part ahead of our upcoming open days and parents’ evening.
Forest School & Space
Towards the end of last week, KG2 enjoyed learning about Diwali and Armistice Day. This week, we have been learning about Space. We discussed the difference between fiction and non-fiction books, then researched some planets. Then we wrote fantastic sentences about the Earth and it’s only star, the sun. In maths, we learnt the vocabulary…
Bug Houses
Form 3 have had a super week. In forest school the children demonstrated great team work as they worked together to complete a scavenger hunt, they then went on to make a bug house, some even made a bug hotel, bird feeders and also bird’s nests. These are to help look after the animals in…
As Form 4 move on from exam week and start thinking about Christmas, we have begun to study Christmas journeys in Religious Education, beginning with finding out about Bethlehem. We learned that Bethlehem lay on an ancient trading route, was the birthplace of King David, and was even mentioned in the book of Genesis in…
A Star in the Making
A Star in the Making It was opening night for Beatrice last night in the production of Matilda. She was amazing!
World Champions
International Success! Once again Aurora and Rivers triumphed in a recent event in Dubai. They both came away with gold medals! A HUGE well done to you both. Aurora is off to Germany this weekend to compete in another competition so good luck Aurora.
Our U11 football team played an extremely exciting cup match at Peel Hall Primary on Wednesday, with the result decided in the last 5 minutes – 4-3 to Peel Hall. This was unfortunate for the boys as the way they played together was excellent and they had lots of opportunities for even more goals! Well done to…
This week in KG 1 the children have been thinking about two very different festivals. The Festival of Diwali takes place this weekend. It is a Festival of light and is celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs across the world. The children enjoyed making Diwali lamps with clay, listening to Diwali stories and making Diwali cards….
All of the class have been working extremely hard this week during our internal examination week. Everyone has been trying their best and the results so far have been very pleasing! We have also been very excited and enthusiastic during our rehearsals for our class assembly to be held on Tuesday morning next week. We…
World Champion
Form 3 have had a wonderful week working extremely hard during our exams. The children have shown great determination and a super attitude each day as they have completed each paper. We are extremely proud of Aurora as she is now a World Champion, winning the gold medal in Ju jitsu, after taking part in…
It has been a very exam-intensive week for the Form 6 children this week. They have maintained their steely approach to exam technique and remain firmly on course. Even with all of this going on, Form 6 still managed to find the time to contemplate the sacrifices made by all those that have died in…
As part of our science topics, animals including humans, Form 1 were given the task to classify a group of animals. It was a funny moment when some of them realised they are indeed animals themselves! We looked at mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles, insects and fish. In the classroom, we have been learning about Diwali…
Notwithstanding the rigors of exam week, Form 4 have begun their new Science topic: ‘Electricity’. This week we looked at different household appliances, grouping them based on whether they are mains- or battery-powered. We then used a Venn diagram to present their findings. Next week we will move on to identifying circuit components and building…
Firework Poems
This week KG2 have been writing firework poems, thinking about safety around fireworks and learning about Diwali. They have impressed us with their ideas describing the sights and sounds of a firework display. In maths the children have learnt about one more and one less. They have also created poppies as part of our discussion…
Form 5 had a nice little break from their exam timetable this week, when they started a new unit in their ICT lessons. The children are going to be learning all about coding, up until the Christmas holidays. Today, the children learnt about what a computer bug is and how to debug a programme; they…
Taking Shape
The new music room is taking shape. Some plastering has been done and the partitioning is in – we are just awaiting the glazing in those. It is so exciting for us to be able to view the progress and we can’t wait to use our new spaces.
Progress Update
It is so exciting to see the progress being made in the classroom space on the upper floor of the KG1 building. The partitioning has gone up and the frames for the glazing is in – we can’t wait to see the finished space.
The Beehive
For those of you who are lucky enough to attend you will know that Mrs Morais and her team have worked really hard to make sure that The Beehive aftercare is a lot of fun. She has introduced craft sessions and more exciting choices for Bee’s Tea’s. Here are some pictures of some of the…
House Charities
This year, the Greeks, Saxons, Romans and Vikings have decided to work together to support one charity. This eliminates any competitiveness and puts the focus solely on supporting a good cause. This year, we will be supporting LifeShare. Lifeshare is a voluntary organisation established to help meet the needs of homeless and vulnerable people in…
School Parliament – Eco Aims
This week the team met to create an action plan for our Eco School Award application. We have chosen to focus on Litter, Energy & School Grounds. The team split into three groups and chose 2 targets for each area. They are hoping to achieve: Plants in classrooms An outdoor learning area Energy Savings days/hours…
Spooky Writing
Form 5 have been feeling spooky this week and we have channelled our spookiness into some fantastic creative writing, based on a picture of a creepy, haunted house! A lot of the children wrote fabulous stories, which really creeped me out!! Here are Grace and Charlotte displaying their work!
Being Different
Despite a week heavy with revision, Form 6 still took the time to reflect as part of our PSHEE learning. We talked about the value of being different; how it enhances life that not everybody is the same. We also discussed how this can sometimes sadly result in people being picked on and came up…
Spooky Halloween
We’ve all had a ‘spooktacular’ time in our learning this week. We began by composing and performing our own ‘Scary Troll’ poem, focusing on adjectives and adverbs. In Forest School there were lots of spooky themed activities. Our favourites were creating spells and potions, making fire and creating tree monsters! Our commendations this week go to…
Pumpkin Curry
It was lovely to see the children back at school after the half term holidays. It was Halloween and the children have enjoyed listening to lots of ‘Spooky stories’. One of their favourite stories was Funnybones and the children enjoyed painting their own skeletons. Continuing the spooky theme, the children made magic wands, witches broomsticks…
The children returned to school with a positive attitude this week. In literacy they have enjoyed reading ‘Whatever next’ and writing about the story, thinking about what they would take to space and designing their own rockets. In maths they have learnt about number bonds to 5 and have enjoyed using the Numicon shapes to…
Form 4 have been enjoying studying Beowulf across history and English lessons. They were able to discuss ideas about what the story of Beowulf tells us about Anglo-Saxon society and culture before trying their hand at character descriptions of either the brave hero Beowulf or his fearsome opponent Grendel. Here are some of their sentences:…
Bonfire Night
The half-term break gave us a chance to recharge our batteries, and Form 1 have come back ready for action! This week, we travelled back 418 years to learn about The Gunpowder Plot. It was on the 5th November 1605 that Guy Fawkes was caught below the Houses of Parliament with barrels of gunpowder, his aim…
Plywood Partitions
The plywood partitions are up and the insulation is starting to go in. The new music room is taking shape and the first fix has started. This is very exciting and we can’t wait to see the project develop and share it with you.
You will have noticed that the scaffolding has been erected at the front of the building to allow for the roof repair works to start next week. This is so very exciting as we can really start to see things changing.
The plasterboard has started being put on and the space is really taking shape. The scaffold is also going up for the new hall and dining hall roof.
We can really see the space taking shape – The partitioning is in place and you can start to see the shape of the main classroom. This is so exciting!
Things are moving very quickly …
As you can see the partitioning has started to go up which will allow for a much more versatile space.
The Strip Out
As you can see following on from all the hard work moving – now the strip out has been started and the first things to go were the old IT Suite work benches. These were from the days when the school had desktop computers which took nearly a whole lesson to boot up!
… More Moving
It is amazing how emptying a space changes it – we are ready for the excitement to begin.
Phase 1 Preparation
It has been a very busy week in school this week as we prepare for the start of phase 1. Mrs Cracknell has been busy sorting, packing and moving with the help of Mr Martyniak, Mr Watson and some professional removers which came to school today to move the pianos and large items.
Mr Martyniak’s Retirement
It was with a heavy heart that we bid a very fond farewell to Mr Martyniak earlier today. There were tears and laughter and more memories made. He is looking forward to his well deserved retirement after nearly 20 years loyal service. The children all made him cards and gave him a resounding standing ovation….
Pupil Parliament
Meet the Pupil Parliament Team: Prime Minister Jawaid, Deputy Prime Minister Logan, Deputy Prime Minister Oscar, Russian, Seb, Ava-Grace, Dean, Isabella, Rayyan, Yusha, Alyssa, Chibinyelum and Zoe. This week the team have decided on their three focus areas for this year’s Eco School Award. We will be focusing on School Grounds, Litter and Energy. The…
The Book Fair
This week we received the first delivery of books bought using the money raised from the Book Fair. This included dictionaries, atlases, class reader sets, books to support well-being, and books to develop knowledge and understanding of different cultures. Thank you again for your support during our book fair.
The First Half Term
It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of the first half-term. Form 1 are now into the swing of their new routines and are amazing us daily with the improvements they are making in their work. This week we would like to put the spotlight on their topic homework. Each weekend they…
Lunchtime Dance Club
Earlier this half term, Myla from Form 6 set up a dance club that runs each Monday lunchtime. The club is open to children from upper school and the current troupe are working on a performance based around the song Ways to Be Wicked from The Descendants movie. The plan is to perform this for…
Mr Men
Continuing our study of author Roger Hargreaves, we now have a lovely cloakroom display. We have painted a character each and did some fantastic first person writing for our characters to introduce themselves. We have also created some very imaginative new characters and used our creative writing skills to write our own books about them….
Food Origins
Form 4 has really enjoyed finding out where their food comes from. We looked at different types of farms in the UK while exploring the process of growing and importing bananas from the Caribbean. We also discovered how pasta is made from Durum wheat grown in Italy. Please support your child by showing them food…
Good Bye from Mr Knott
Form 3 have been fantastic this term and I have really enjoyed teaching them. On Friday we designed Pointillism pictures in the style of George Seurat. We have learnt what life was like for Tudor children and the differences between rich and poor families. We have written Haikus in English using the correct syllable pattern and themes. I…
Form five have been writing their own prayers in RE. We discussed that not everybody has a God, which is fine, we accept everybody in this classroom, regardless of whom or what they believe in. Some of the children chose to write prayers to their God and some chose to write thank you messages but all…
KG2 First Half Term
What a fantastic end to the first half term of KG2. The children have continued to work hard and try their best despite being tired. During our literacy sessions we have been reading ‘Bears in the night’ and we have enjoyed concentrating on prepositions and light and dark. We went on a ‘preposition’ walk, concentrating on what…
First Half Term
Autumn adventures were highlights for KG1. The children had a super time being scientists, using the magnifying glasses to take a closer look at the different types of leaves they had collected on their Autumn walk. They used their motor skills to do some leaf rubbings with wax crayons and were…
In maths, Form 1 have been learning about measures. We spent time outside exploring different ways to measure things including hands, feet, rulers, blocks. We discussed how using hands and feet aren’t reliable as we have different sized handspans and feet. In English, we have been studying the poem Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Did…
Harvest Help
This week, Form 6 did their bit for charity by making sure that our whole school food donations were all ready for collection by Salford Food Bank. Heavy bag after heavy bag was carried cheerfully by our children from hall to van. Well done team, you’ve helped our Branwood community to make a real difference…
It has been wonderful to see Ashvika helping the rest of Form 4 develop their understanding of Hinduism in Religious Education. We have really enjoyed learning about the different gods, especially the elephant-headed Ganesha. He is one of the most well-known and worshipped Hindu deity as the remover of obstacles. We also learned that many…
Form 5 had a very soggy session at forest school this week. They were able to do a number of activities, including beading necklaces out of conkers; making Viking soap; and creating masterpieces out of clay. Great fun was had by all and the children embraced the rain and just got on with it!
Special Lunch Table
Every Friday, two children from KG2 are chosen to sit on a special table to eat their lunch. They are chosen because they have good table manners, try their food and set an exceptional example to their peers. The children enjoy being chosen and are very proud of themselves. The theme of our last Forest…
Salford Food Bank – Harvest Donations
This week our parents donated to our Harvest Festival appeal on behalf of Salford Food Bank. The generosity, as always, was overwhelming and many donations were received which were beautifully organised by our Form 6 class. The Form 6 class then helpfully assisted Salford Food Bank staff with loading the van with the donated items….
Football Success
Branwood’s under 9 football team are celebrating great success this week! We took part in the ISA North football tournament at The Grange School in Nantwich and returned as runners up of the whole tournament. The boys should be very proud of themselves. They were up against some much bigger schools and only lost one…
In maths this week we have been learning about place value. To do this we created two-digit numbers using a dice and then partitioned them into tens and units. In English, we have continued to explore poetry and can now spot rhymes or patterns. We have great fun writing about a day at a farm.
This week in history lessons we have been continuing to enjoy learning about William the Conqueror and how castles were developed over the years. We discovered there were lots of different buildings and parts found in stone castles and were amazed to hear that The Tower of London dates back to the time of William…
This week KG 1 have been learning all about Harvest. The children have enjoyed making Harvest baskets and doing fruit and vegetable printing with a variety of different foods. They also worked hard with scissor skills to decorate the baskets with wool. The children have enjoyed listening to the story of The Little Red Hen,…
Stem at Bolton Grammar School
This week, 4 members of Form 6 went with Mr Sullivan to Bolton School’s STEM activity morning. Anya, Ayush, Lana and Theo spent the morning building lunar landers, solving number & logic puzzles and constructing the tallest tower that they could from a limited assortment of DT materials. We all had a fantastic time working…
Christmas Card Designs
Much like many of our high street shops, Form 4 have been getting ready for Christmas this week. We have all been designing our own Christmas cards ready to take home for parents to order ready for the festive season. In addition to packs of cards, the design can also be used for mugs, wrapping…
2D Shapes and Poetry
Form 3 have had a fantastic week. We have been looking at the properties of 2D shapes and how to classify them. We have written kennings, which are a type of riddle in poem form. In history we have been comparing the diets of rich and poor.
Bear Hunt & Autumn Art
KG2 have had a wonderful week this week. They have been reading ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ and have enjoyed re-writing the story to include going on a snake, shark, hyena, lion or tiger hunt. The children had fun listening to everyone’s ideas. In maths the topic has been patterns and the children have…
Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
Macmillan Coffee Afternoon was a huge success! Thank you to all the parents who took time out of their busy schedules to help run the event and thank you to everyone, who came to visit and help us raise almost £400 in aid of Macmillan. A special shoutout to Lucie, Myla, Tara and Lana (F6)…
Martial Arts Triumph!
A huge well done to Rivers & Aurora who triumphed in the recent European BJJ Event. These are definitely two to watch! HUGE Congratulations to you both!
House Captains
Congratulations to all these children who have been chosen as captains and vice-captains of their respective houses.
It has been another busy week in the Form One classroom. In maths, we are studying addition and subtraction skills. In English, we are learning to write labels, lists and captions. We enjoyed combining our art skills and English skills in our science lesson to draw and label the parts of our bodies. We challenged…
This week we have been continuing our art topic about the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. We have enjoyed learning about his style and techniques and have produced some excellent pieces based on ‘Composition’ and ‘Boogie Woogie Broadway’. Here is our lovely classroom display. Our commendations this week go to Nathan for his amazing maths work-…
All together…
KG1 have had a very happy and busy week at Branwood. Everyone was together for the first time and all the children have enjoyed seeing all their friends. The children have begun their Phase 1 Phonics and have enjoyed using the Interactive board to support their learning. This week the children have been learning about…
Figurative Language
Form 5 have been learning about figurative language this week; specifically, similes, metaphors and personification. In the introduction lesson, the children were given the opportunity to write some WOW sentences on their whiteboards and I was blown away by some of their figurative language skills! …
The Change of Seasons
KG2 have had another fantastic week and have worked incredibly hard. Our book of the week was ‘Leaf man.’ During literacy they have been learning about the seasons, having a walk around the copse and playground looking for seasonal changes and taking part in lots of discussions. The children have drawn some super pictures to…
Residential Trip – Anderton Centre
Form 3 set off yesterday for their first school residential trip to The Anderton Centre. The children were all really excited, even though some of the bags were nearly as big as they were! They had an action packed afternoon…
LAMDA Success
Huge congratulations to Lottie, Charlotte & Grace who took their LAMDA examinations in the summer and all achieved Distinctions. Well done girls we are very proud of you
Forest School
The class are at the end of our first full week and are continuing to settle well into their new routines. A particular highlight of the week was Forest School. We thoroughly enjoy Forest School. This week we made stick characters and toasted croissants – yum!
First Forest School Session
The class have settled so well into their new routines and are already working very hard. We have enjoyed writing and sharing information all about ourselves and have drawn some lovely colourful portraits. See if you can tell who is who when you visit the Form 2 cloakroom! We have also started our topic of…
The Journey begins …
KG1 have had a super start to their time at Branwood. This week many of the children stayed for lunch for the first time and really enjoyed Mr Pattinson’s delicious lunches. The children have been getting used to the school routines and have enjoyed ‘loving to learn’ with their new friends. They have been learning…
Settling In
Form three has settled in really well and been working very hard. We have enjoyed looking at pointillism in art and the children were amazed by the way lots of little dots can make a picture. They have also shown their ability to recognise the continents and find them on a map. In maths they…
Now that they have fully settled in, Form 6 have been allocated their prefect responsibilities. They are as follows: Class prefects: KG1 – Lana & Tim KG2 – Jawaid, Ayush & Daniel F1 – Tara & Myla F2 – Rezana, Lynott, Jude F3 – Lucie & Logan F4 – Oscar & Isaac F5 – Anya…
Rosh Hashanah
Form 5 have been helping me celebrate Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year). We have been sampling some traditional Rosh Hashanah snacks including delicious apple and honey, which is eaten to celebrate a sweet new year. Some of the children were really excited about this, as they remembered it from Form 4!
First Week Back
KG2 have made a fantastic start to the school year. They have all settled in the new routine really well and it seems like months rather than almost two weeks since we came back from the summer break. This week the children have been reading the books ‘Stick Man’ and ‘Stanley’s Stick’ during their literacy…
Alumni Success
Alumni Success Last week we were treated to a visit by one of our former pupils. Shishir left Branwood in 2016 and came back to visit us. He wanted to see Mr Whittell and to thank him for ‘coming into his life at the right time’. What a very humble and lovely young man, who…
KG1 – New Starters
It was lovely to welcome our new children to KG1 this week as they start their Branwood journey. I was lucky enough to join them in class where they were all having a lovely time. Mrs Coffey and the team in KG1 are very proud of how well the children are doing.
Mr Knott – Form 3 & Mr Booth Form 4
We would like to extend a warm Branwood welcome to Mr Knott and Mr Booth who have joined Branwood this term. Mr Knott will be teaching Form 3 for the first half term and Mr Booth will be in Form 4 for duration of the Winter Term. Mr Knott is an outdoor lover and likes…
The Beehive
Introducing… Exciting things have been happening over the last few months. We have been busy working with Mrs Morais on creating a new enhanced aftercare service….
Head Boy & Head Girl Team 2023
In keeping with Branwood tradition we are delighted to announce our new head boy and head girl team. Congratulations to the following children as they embark on their final year at Branwood and take on these very important roles. We look forward to you being the best ambassadors for our school as we know you…
Speech Night 2023 – Amazing!!
In true Branwood tradition the stage was set for our Annual Speech Night Awards Ceremony. The Staff, Governors and Trustees were all in attendance and the parents had been invited. Form 6 were there as the guests of honour, as we prepared to wish them a very fond farewell as they embark on the next…
Cinderella Rockerfella – Summer Show 2023
What a delight. Upper School impressed us all with their amazing performance of Cinderella Rockerfella. The audience all seemed to enjoy themselves and nearly raised the roof! A HUGE well done to all our talented performers and especially to those children in Form 6 as we prepare to say farewell.
Fathers’ Day
On Tuesday, we invited dads, uncles and grandads into school to celebrate Father’s Day with us. As the weather was extremely hot, we treated everybody to ice-creams and spent time together celebrating the men in our lives. Each dad was awarded a trophy from their child for all the marvellous things that they do. In…
Sea Creatures
The whole class worked really hard in their exams all week. We have also enjoyed practicing for our assembly and have created some really informative and creative sea creature projects. Well done to Bethany and Haris for sharing their information on giant squid and great white sharks!
… And Relax
Form 5 had the opportunity to relax this weekend, as a treat for the end of assessment week. I asked the children to send me a picture of themselves doing something that they find fun! Here are just a handful of the class’s fun activities! We still have lots to do over the rest of…
Reading Challenge Continued …
Form 4’s reading odyssey continues to impress. Our whole class reward is clearly in sight now, with our reading challenge marble jar edging closer to being full. This week… From a fantastic holiday, to a fantasy creature, Lamaisah (dressed in suitably colourful attire) enjoyed reading Unicorn Magic on her holiday sun lounger Jacob sent us…
Jungle Cloakroom & Fathers’ Day
The children have been amazing this week, despite the incredible heat. They have been concentrating on addition in maths and the lifecycle of a frog in literacy. Our jungle themed cloakroom is almost complete, and the children have enjoyed painting their favourite animals ready to hide in this wonderful space. I am sure you will…
Form 3 had a great time at Sports Day! All children tried their very best and achieved some excellent results.This week we have been very busy with our exams and have put lots of effort into each one. The children have been busy at home making 3D volcano models, we even had an exploding…
New Bikes
KG1 have been having lots of fun in the sun this week. We have explored water play, made creative designs on the playground with the large chalks and one day enjoyed ice pops sitting in the sun. Best of all KG1 have been very lucky. The children were so happy because lots of new bikes…
Pizza Making
This week Form 6 have been completing their end of year exams. In between they have been hard at work practising for the Summer Show and perfecting any last-minute songs. Most of Form 6 attended a rounders tournament with Mrs Jones and Miss Macdonald. The children who remained in school had the opportunity to make…
Sponsorship for Nature
This week has been a very exciting week in Form 1. Before the half term we were learning about endangered animals. We looked into ways in which we can help. After a vote, the children decided to adopt a sea turtle. They spent the weekend doing jobs around the house to raise money. We’ve been…
Reading Challenge
Another day, another zany way to read in Form 4. When Ananth told us that he loves to read on a drive, we didn’t know that he meant his driveWAY! A much wiser book choice there too than the Mini Cooper handbook for sure. Hardback, paperback, roof-rack(?!); Ella is also a fan of reading on…
Forest School Birds
KG2 have had a very busy first week back after the half term break. The children have been learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly, telling the time, completing artwork for our jungle themed cloakroom display as well as preparing for our Father’s Day assembly. The week began with a reminder about the…
Forest School Fun
We loved forest school this week which had the theme of birds. We played a fun game called ‘Eagle’s Nest’ and then took part in some other bird spotting activities. We also made clay models and built a giant nest. Well done to Ajae, Anaya, Eleanor and Aaliyah for their fantastic sea creature projects.
Growing Up
The year has gone so fast and it’s hard to believe the children will soon be moving on to KG2. This week KG1 have had a lovely first week back in school. They thoroughly enjoyed Forest School, this week they were having a bird tea party, making an extra large bird’s nest that they could…
Inter-House Sports
The boys in Forms 3, 4, 5 and 6 took part in an Inter-House Football tournament! All of the boys played brilliantly, and some fantastic goals were scored! Well done to Viking House for winning overall, a special mention also has to go to Roman House, as they won the same number of games but…
Inter-House Sport
Form 5 have been working hard this week, in preparation for assessment week! We have worked really hard, and it was nice to celebrate our hard work with a fun, sport-filled day on Friday! First, we watched the Form 6 vs Staff rounders game, some of the children were really happy to see Form 6…
Lower School Sports Day
The sun was shining and it was a lovely morning to hold our annual Lower School Sports Day. It was lovely to see so many parents and families in attendance. The children all had a very exciting morning and Mr Stockley was a super organiser. A BIG thank you to him and also thank you…
Trafford Handball Club Lessons
We have been extremely lucky at Branwood to experience Handball for the first time. Moku, an experienced coach from Trafford Handball Club has been visiting to teach handball to upper school. The children have really enjoyed learning new skills and playing games under the guidance of a handball expert. Whilst watching the children during the…
Blackpool Zoo Trip
The highlight of this week was our trip to Blackpool Zoo. During the year we study Dinosaurs in History, animals in Science and The Rainforest in Geography so it seemed fitting to take a trip where we can discover more about these topics. The day started with an educational session with our guide Joe. He…
Form 4 Extreme Reading
Form 4 have been wowing us with their ultra-imaginative reading exploits. We will send out four or five pictures over the next few editions of the Branwood Bee to show you how committed we are to our reading. Keep your eyes peeled everyone. This week, allow me to present: Isabel showing us how she…
Outdoor Camping at Forest School
During their final Forest School session of the half term, KG2 used their imagination to pretend that they were camping in the glorious outdoors. They could climb into a sleeping bag or hammock and listen to the sounds around them and then cook breakfast on a pretend campfire. They enjoyed looking for animal footprints, making…
Blue Planet Trip
Form 2 spent a memorable day out at The Blue Planet Aquarium, continuing their studies about Seas and Oceans. They loved learning more about many types of sea life and are now shark experts after their very informative classroom session and watching the shark theatre where divers fed 6 types of shark, rays and thousands…
A Busy Week
What a super week it was to finish the half term for KG1. The children thoroughly enjoyed Forest school with its outdoor camping theme and it was a beautiful day too. The children have been working hard with all their classwork this week and have also painted beautiful pictures demonstrating their artistic talents. The highlight…
Poetry Writing
Form Five have been working incredibly hard towards their 11+ and entrance exams, next year, so on Friday, we took a break from the pressure and talked about different ways we can deal with any stress, sadness or strong feelings that we experience during this high-pressure time in our lives! All of the children collaborated…
The Wonderful World of Disney
Form 5 Class Assembly The Form 5 class gave their assembly this week to delighted parents and the rest of the school. The theme was ‘The Wonderful World of Disney’ which is a passion of Miss Basgers. The class took us on a journey through Walt Disney’s life, achievements and how his vision for a…
This week Form 1 have been busy learning about the life of King Charles III and what will happen during his coronation. They each created their very own crown and spent the day being kings and queens. Friday was a wonderful day, full of smiles and laughter. We thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon tea that Mr…
Greek Myths & Time
In Form 3 this week we have started looking at Greek Myths and have enjoyed discussing the morals of the different stories and discovering the beliefs in ancient Greece. In our Maths lessons we have been converting analogue time to digital time and have been measuring the duration of time for different events.
Coronation Celebration
Form Five have been very excitedly getting ready for the coronation of King Charles III. Some of the children have made cards to sent#d to Buckingham Palace; we have enjoyed a picnic outside; and celebrated with the whole school at a dance party! Rezana and Jawaid were definitely ready to party! Look at that fabulous…
Forest School
We have continued to enjoy our topic on Seas and Oceans by writing our own Rainbow Fish stories, concentrating on using effective adjectives and adverbs. Our Maths work this week has been about handling data. We learnt about Carroll diagrams and produced our own bar charts. Everyone worked hard and produced impressive work. In particular…
The Coronation
KG 1 have had a very busy week this week celebrating the King’s Coronation. The children have made beautiful crowns and have really enjoyed pretend play in KG 1’s very own royal castle. They have also found out facts about the coronation and have enjoyed looking at pictures of the Royal Family, the Crown Jewels…
Knowsley Safari Park
On Tuesday KG2 had their first trip out of school. As part of our topic, animals changing and growing, we visited Knowsley Safari Park. We left Branwood once we were all ready and got onto our coach. Once we had our seatbelts on, and Mrs Boulton had counted us a hundred times, we were off….
As well as starting our Bikeability, swimming and forest school sessions this week, Form 6 have tried to fit in preparing for our class assembly next Tuesday. This is just one of things we are planning to share with our parents and the rest of the school.
Space Themed Assembly
This week, in honour of National Space Week, our stellar Form 4 performed their space-themed class assembly. The children took a captivated audience on the journey around the Solar System and beyond. From the hellishly hot conditions of Mercury and Venus, to the frozen satellites of Saturn, the children appraised our cosmic neighbourhood for the…
King Charles III Coronation Celebration
What a wonderful time we all had on Friday celebrating the Coronation. Despite the changeable weather the children were able to enjoy a picnic lunch and then music and games outside in the afternoon. The school was suitable attired for the celebration and in true Branwood tradition we celebrated in style. They also all received…
WOW Writing
Take a look at this week’s Wow Writing. Both pieces come from our Key Stage One classes. In Form 2 the focus was on handwriting, descriptive language, punctuation and interesting vocabulary. In Form 1 the task was to retell events in a story. The focus was on letter formation, using a range of sentence starters,…
Coronation Art Work
This week Form 1 have worked together to create a piece of artwork to celebrate the King’s Coronation. This has now been entered into the ISA Coronation Art Challenge. (Good Luck Form 1!) We had a very exciting start to the week, we watched our very own Yusha take part in the Eid assembly and…
Lifesaving Skills
In swimming this week, Form 3 wore their pyjamas and practised important water safety survival skills! They were incredibly mature and sensible. In our English lessons we have been planning and writing a recount story, inspired by Kensuke’s Kingdom.
Branwood’s Got Talent
What a talented bunch we have here at Branwood! This week, as part of our summer show rehearsals, the Upper School took part in Branwood’s Got Talent. Pupils practised and performed their own acts and showcased them to a live audience. The winning prize is a starring role in our summer show ‘Cinderella and Rockerfella.’…
Oceans and Planting Seeds
Form 2 have been incredibly busy this week. In Science we planted sunflower seeds ready for our ‘Sunflower Challenge’ to see who is the best gardener in Form 2! We have been learning about the best conditions for different plants and set up an experiment with different seeds planted in different conditions. It will be…
Planting Seeds
Mrs Coffey is very proud of KG1 this week. She received a lovely message to say how well behaved the children were while she was away and how hard working they were. Well done KG1. This week KG1 were busy in Maths making sets of 10. The children have planted Sunflower seeds and are excitedly…
Hatching Chicks
KG2 have thoroughly enjoyed having the chicks in the classroom this week. I think that everyone in the Branwood family has enjoyed having the chicks in the classroom – KG2 have never been so popular! On Thursday the children sat quietly on the carpet waiting for their turn to gently hold and stroke a chick….
This week, as part of our ongoing WW2 studies, Form 6 have been creating our own rationing posters. We aimed to be inspiring and eye-catching in encouraging people to grow their own food and not waste. Check out our efforts on the Form 6 window as you pass by into the playground.
PTA Eid Assembly
What a wonderful treat we had this week as the PTA had arranged a wonderful Eid assembly. The hall was decorated beautifully and the children were amazing. Some of the children then were given the opportunity to do some crafts with the PTA and parents and had a special snack. Thank you so uch to…
WOW Writing – KG2 & Form 4
At Branwood, we are always amazed by the work that our children do. Over the coming weeks we will be sharing some examples of the outstanding work we see. This week we are showcasing pieces of work from our KG2 class (5 year olds) and Form Four class (9 year olds).
Forest School
Form 5 had their first Forest School session on Wednesday and they absolutely loved it! Emma and Greta were amazing teachers and showed the children all of the fun of outdoor activities; whilst also showing them how to remain safe when learning outdoors. It was lovely to see the class embrace the outdoor environment, some…
How is it the final term already? Form 1 continue to amaze us with their hard work and caring natures. This weekend Muslims around the world will be celebrating Eid, those pupils in Form 1 who celebrate have been sharing their experiences with their friends. We had great fun working on a collaborative piece of…
Handball & Outdoor Maths
This week Form 3 have been very busy. At the start of the week, we enjoyed learning ball skills with Moku who came to teach us Handball. We made the most of the glorious sun and completed our Maths work outside, working collaboratively to solve addition word problems. During Forest school, we learnt all about…
Teeth – Science Experiment
As part of learning about dental hygiene and tooth decay, Form 4 investigated the effect of different liquids upon boiled eggs. Egg shells are made of a similar material to tooth enamel, so luckily we didn’t all have to donate teeth of our own! We placed individual eggs into six separate cups, each containing one…
Bees and Chicks
What a fantastic week we have had in KG2! We welcomed a new friend into our class and showed him just how wonderful Branwood is. We also started our topic on animals, growing and changing. On Wednesday we enjoyed forest school. With the theme being all about bees. We pretended to be bees and flew…
Form 6 Patterdale Trip
What a fabulous week Form 6 have had at Patterdale. They have experienced new things and really enjoyed having new adventures and making some lasting memories with their friends. They have participated in gorge walking, archery, bushcraft, rock climbing and canoeing, to name but a few of the exciting experiences they have had. I…
Netball Success
We are very proud of our netball team who had a great week of wins. On Monday they beat Moorside School 10-2 to come third overall in the Worsley Schools netball league. They also won all their matches to qualify for the final and came runners up in the ISA U11 Bee Netball Tournament at…
Project Work
This term, Form 6 were set the task of producing two presentations – one on our History topic of World War Two and the other on our Geography topic of Rivers. Each week, one of their homework sessions was to be devoted to each one. Now, at the culmination of the term, they have brought…
KG1 Easter Bonnets
KG1 have had a lovely last week of this Spring term. The children have enjoyed decorating their Easter bonnets, they have made Easter cards and gained an understanding of the Easter story. KG1 would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.
Story Writing
Form One have been working on their creative writing skills. They have analysed texts, predicted how stories might end and used their imagination to plan and write their own story. In maths, they have been busy refining their mental maths skills through the Daily 10, counting in 5s and 10s from different starting points and…
Author Visit
KG1 were very lucky this week to work with a visiting author, Sean Perkins. The children enjoyed listening to his super story, Oscar and Ben, the birthday party. The children worked with Sean to create an imaginary creature and then following Sean’s lead became illustrators themselves, drawing their interpretation of the creature. They did an…
Holi Celebration
KG1 had a very busy week. The children celebrated Holi by dressing in very colourful clothes and they watched a special programme all about Holi. In the programme children made Rangoli patterns on paper plates. “Can we do that?” KG1 asked. WE DID! KG1 then had so much fun squirting paint onto paper plates and…
World Book Day
KG1 have had a busy first week in school after the half term. Forest school was super fun, making rainbows and toasting buns over the fire. KG1 had a fun packed World Book Day. The children tried to guess the Teachers behind the mask in the Masked Reader and thoroughly enjoyed Form 6 coming over…
Big Write
Every week, Form 5 do a piece of independent writing, we call this ‘Big Write’. Last week, the children were asked to write a story, inspired by a picture of a ship in a stormy sea. Theo wrote the most incredible short story; his writing was inspirational and a true pleasure to read!
Easter Story
KG1 had a lovely week. The children have been listening to the beginning of the Easter story, hearing the story of Palm Sunday. They have made their own palms and drawn some super pictures too. The children have been busy in Phonics and our sound of the week this week was e. In maths we…
Story Writing
As part of their topic on Stories from other Cultures, Form One have been planning and writing their own stories in the style of Handa’s Surprise. They have amazed us with their ideas, handwriting, spelling and effort. We have really enjoyed listening to their stories. Form One have also developed a love for playing Time…
In Form 3 we have been continuing to read our class text, Kensuke’s Kingdom. This has inspired us to make predictions about what will happen next in the story and to write a diary entry in the role of the main character, Michael. In their PE lessons, Form 3 have been enjoying their swimming and…
Form 2 really enjoyed their visit from local writer Rogan Mills. They loved listening to the various styles of stories he told and have been inspired to make up their own to tell their friends. Linked to our Great Fire of London topic, the children created searching questions to ask during our hot seating activity….
Classroom Display
This term we have been learning all about ourselves. The cloakroom display has been the topic of discussion regularly in the classroom as Mrs Dickinson has been displaying the children’s (and our) baby photo’s, images showing them growing up and with their family. It has been lovely to watch the children glow with pride when…
Arden Court Visit
As part of our History work Form 6 were fortunate enough to tap into some first-hand memories when they visited one of our local care homes, Arden Court. The residents were all keen to share their memories of growing up either during or just after the war and the amazing changes that had occurred over…
The F6 art topic for this half term is combining a study of the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh with an understanding of how mosaics are made. To start the process of creating our own mosaic version of a Van Gogh artwork, we began to appreciate how mosaics get designed. Producing a simple…
This week Form 6 have begun their work on Shakespeare, prior to studying the play Romeo and Juliet. We used our well-honed research skills to find out about the life and works of the Bard to put the play into context. We will continue to look at Shakespeare’s world as we dig deeper into the…
South America
Form 5 have started their new topic of South America! We have designed our cover pages and learnt about the 12 countries of South America and their capitals! Did you know, Bolivia has two capital cities? La Paz and Sucre!
International Women’s Day
Form 5 have spent some time looking at International Women’s Day, a part of Women’s History Month, this week. Everybody chose a famous woman, whom they find inspirational, we put the names in a box and each child drew out a name. The children then researched their inspiring woman and made a fact file about…
World Book Day
Form 5 had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! It was exciting to dress up as some of our favourite book characters. We designed new front covers for some of our favourite books in class and we spent some time reading with the children in KG2.
The first impression given by any written piece of writing is how neatly presented it is. To this end, we have been working on improving our cursive writing for the past few weeks. I am happy to report that the children are making excellent progress and are – quite rightly – all very proud of…
The Romans
Form 4 have been busy building over the past few weeks. We have just finished our Romans topic in History and the children were asked to end the topic by creating a 3D example of Roman architecture. Every single submission was absolutely wonderful and both Mr. Sullivan and I were so proud of the class…
World Book Day
Form 4 were fortunate enough to enjoy two exciting events on one day. They began the day dressed up to mark our World Book Day celebrations. We enjoyed reading to Form 2 children as we snacked on toast, brioche and milkshakes. The children also began their swimming lessons with a trip to Worsley Leisure Centre….
In Forest School last week, Form 3 had the opportunity to use flint and make their own fires. They needed to check the wind direction and remember how to be safe around fires. In our History lesson we discussed how people in the Stone Age relied heavily on fire for survival and how they developed…
Spanish Song
This week Form 3 have been planning their writing for the Lowry’s Creative Writing contest, including looking at using ambitious vocabulary and the features that make good story openers. Also, in Maths, we have been continuing to look at division and how our times table knowledge can help us. On Wednesday, we celebrated International Women’s…
World Book Day & Forest School
This week Form 3 made dens and toasted marshmallows in our Forest School session. They all thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next session. The children enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and spending time in Form 1 sharing stories and taking part in book related activities. They also had their first…
The Great Fire of London
We have really been enjoying our topic on The Great Fire of London. We studied some art work from the time and created our own impressions of the fire. Both Lucy and Ayana received commendations for their great efforts and attention to detail. Forest School was very exciting as the children got to make their…
Famous People
Anaya, Sidharth, Eleanor and Charles have all received commendations this week for their excellent projects and presentations about famous people. Sidharth, Charles and Eleanor chose Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Stephen Hawking respectively, which also tied in nicely with our current Science topic about scientists and inventors. Anaya shared her Emmeline Pankhurst project with the…
Scientist & World Book Day
This week we started a new topic about scientists and inventors. We learnt about the life of Jane Colden, a famous botanist. We had lots of fun becoming botanists ourselves and doing some close studies of some of the plants growing around school. We loved celebrating World Book Day with some excellent efforts in costumes….
Sean Perkins Workshop
At the start of the week, Form One were treated to a workshop with author Sean Perkins. Following this workshop, the pupils were inspired to write their own space poems. We were thrilled with their neat handwriting, spelling, ideas, their understanding of poetry and most impressive was their enthusiasm. We are very proud of our…
Holi Festival
This week has been another busy one for Form 1. We have planted beans, pansies and cress as part of our topic on plants. We are enjoying our Ancient Egypt topic and had great fun exploring mummification. As Holi is a festival of colour, we drew around our bodies on large sheets and covered them…
World Book Day
Form 1 had a great time celebrating World Book Day. In the afternoon, Form 3 joined us for ‘bedtime stories’. As they read stories and took part in a book quiz they tucked into fresh toast and milkshakes. We really enjoyed singing along to the World Book Day Song. You can listen (and singalong) via…
Goldilocks & The Three Bears
KG2’s book of the week was ‘Goldilocks and the three bears.’ They have sung the song ‘When Goldilocks went to the house of the Bears,’ acted out the story and written about it. The children have shown us just how much they are trying to write sentences independently, think about what they are writing and…
World Book Day
KG2 have been reading the book ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’ this week. They have written about pancakes, learning about adjectives and have experimented with different fillings. The children all agreed that the best part of the literacy lessons this week was eating the pancakes!
Mother’s Day Assembly
The children really did do us proud this week when they took part in our Mother’s Day assembly. They joined Form 1 to celebrate just how wonderful our mums are. Each child had painted a picture of their mum, thought very hard about why they are special and practised singing some songs. They showed the…