On-Line Safety

We are committed to ensuring that students are safe when using the internet at Branwood. We ask parents/carers to be interested and supportive when monitoring their children’s use of the internet.

Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can be accessed through mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets – all of which form a part of children and young people’s online world.

The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks.

When online, children and young people can learn new things, get help with their homework, express themselves creatively, and connect with friends and family. There are also risks, but by understanding and talking about the dangers, all children can be kept safe online.

E-Safety is of high priority at Branwood and students receive advice and guidance appropriate to their age and ‘e-awareness’.

Online Safety Guides

Click on the below guides to download further information on keeping children safe online.

Online Safety Guides

Further Support

Click on the logo links below for websites with information and support related to online safety and wellbeing

Bullying UK
A website that provides a large amount of information to help pupils, parents and schools deal with bullying.

ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19.

Insafe and INHOPE work together through a network of Safer Internet Centres (SICs) across Europe – typically comprising an awareness centre, helpline, hotline and youth panel.

Department for Education
Advice and guidance for parents/carers on cyberbullying.

CEOP is the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection command.