Mr Knott – Form 3 & Mr Booth Form 4      

We would like to extend a warm Branwood welcome to Mr Knott and Mr Booth who have joined Branwood this term. Mr Knott will be teaching Form 3 for the first half term and Mr Booth will be in Form 4 for duration of the Winter Term.

Mr Knott is an outdoor lover and likes nothing more than climbing, walking and cycling in his spare time. In fact he regularly cycles 40 minutes to school and back each day, putting us all to shame. He is really looking forward to Forest School next week.

Mr Booth is an active member of Bury Netball Club and as a qualified umpire has supported the National Premier team and regularly acts as an official, as well as having the opportunity to act as a table official for Manchester Thunder in the Netball Super League. Watch out Mrs Jones!


Mr Booth                                                           Mr Knott