Category: All School


House Charities

This year, the Greeks, Saxons, Romans and Vikings have decided to work together to support one charity. This eliminates any competitiveness and puts the focus solely on supporting a good cause. This year, we will be supporting LifeShare. Lifeshare is a voluntary organisation established to help meet the needs of homeless and vulnerable people in...


Mr Martyniak’s Retirement

It was with a heavy heart that we bid a very fond farewell to Mr Martyniak earlier today. There were tears and laughter and more memories made. He is looking forward to his well deserved retirement after nearly 20 years loyal service. The children all made him cards and gave him a resounding standing ovation....


Pupil Parliament

Meet the Pupil Parliament Team: Prime Minister Jawaid, Deputy Prime Minister Logan, Deputy Prime Minister Oscar, Russian, Seb, Ava-Grace, Dean, Isabella, Rayyan, Yusha, Alyssa, Chibinyelum and Zoe. This week the team have decided on their three focus areas for this year’s Eco School Award. We will be focusing on School Grounds, Litter and Energy. The...


The Book Fair

This week we received the first delivery of books bought using the money raised from the Book Fair. This included dictionaries, atlases, class reader sets, books to support well-being, and books to develop knowledge and understanding of different cultures. Thank you again for your support during our book fair.


Salford Food Bank – Harvest Donations

This week our parents donated to our Harvest Festival appeal on behalf of Salford Food Bank. The generosity, as always, was overwhelming and many donations were received which were beautifully organised by our Form 6 class. The Form 6 class then helpfully assisted Salford Food Bank staff with loading the van with the donated items....


Football Success

Branwood’s under 9 football team are celebrating great success this week! We took part in the ISA North football tournament at The Grange School in Nantwich and returned as runners up of the whole tournament. The boys should be very proud of themselves. They were up against some much bigger schools and only lost one...


Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon was a huge success! Thank you to all the parents who took time out of their busy schedules to help run the event and thank you to everyone, who came to visit and help us raise almost £400 in aid of Macmillan. A special shoutout to Lucie, Myla, Tara and Lana (F6)...


Martial Arts Triumph!

A huge well done to Rivers & Aurora who triumphed in the recent European BJJ Event. These are definitely two to watch! HUGE Congratulations to you both!  


House Captains

Congratulations to all these children who have been chosen as captains and vice-captains of their respective houses.


LAMDA Success

Huge congratulations to Lottie, Charlotte & Grace who took their LAMDA examinations in the summer and all achieved Distinctions. Well done girls we are very proud of you