Category: All School



Now that they have fully settled in, Form 6 have been allocated their prefect responsibilities. They are as follows: Class prefects: KG1 – Lana & Tim KG2 – Jawaid, Ayush & Daniel F1   – Tara & Myla F2   – Rezana, Lynott, Jude F3   – Lucie & Logan F4   – Oscar & Isaac F5   – Anya...


Alumni Success

Alumni Success Last week we were treated to a visit by one of our former pupils. Shishir left Branwood in 2016 and came back to visit us. He wanted to see Mr Whittell and to thank him for ‘coming into his life at the right time’.  What a very humble and lovely young man, who...


Mr Knott – Form 3 & Mr Booth Form 4      

We would like to extend a warm Branwood welcome to Mr Knott and Mr Booth who have joined Branwood this term. Mr Knott will be teaching Form 3 for the first half term and Mr Booth will be in Form 4 for duration of the Winter Term. Mr Knott is an outdoor lover and likes...


The Beehive

Introducing…                                                                                                              Exciting things have been happening over the last few months. We have been busy working with Mrs Morais on creating a new enhanced aftercare service....


Head Boy & Head Girl Team 2023

In keeping with Branwood tradition we are delighted to announce our new head boy and head girl team. Congratulations to the following children as they embark on their final year at Branwood and take on these very important roles. We look forward to you being the best ambassadors for our school as we know you...


Speech Night 2023 – Amazing!!

In true Branwood tradition the stage was set for our Annual Speech Night Awards Ceremony. The Staff, Governors and Trustees were all in attendance and the parents had been invited. Form 6 were there as the guests of honour, as we prepared to wish them a very fond farewell as they embark on the next...


Cinderella Rockerfella – Summer Show 2023

What a delight. Upper School impressed us all with their amazing performance of Cinderella Rockerfella. The audience all seemed to enjoy themselves and nearly raised the roof! A HUGE well done to all our talented performers and especially to those children in Form 6 as we prepare to say farewell.


Inter-House Sports

The boys in Forms 3, 4, 5 and 6 took part in an Inter-House Football tournament! All of the boys played brilliantly, and some fantastic goals were scored! Well done to Viking House for winning overall, a special mention also has to go to Roman House, as they won the same number of games but...


Lower School Sports Day

The sun was shining and it was a lovely morning to hold our annual Lower School Sports Day. It was lovely to see so many parents and families in attendance. The children all had a very exciting morning and Mr Stockley was a super organiser. A BIG thank you to him and also thank you...


Trafford Handball Club Lessons

We have been extremely lucky at Branwood to experience Handball for the first time. Moku, an experienced coach from Trafford Handball Club has been visiting to teach handball to upper school. The children have really enjoyed learning new skills and playing games under the guidance of a handball expert. Whilst watching the children during the...