Form Two

For children aged 5-6

In Form Two, the staff members work tirelessly to ensure that the whole class thoroughly enjoy their learning and ensure that they make a tremendous amount of progress. The children develop enormously, both socially and academically throughout the course of the academic year. As they progress through their final year of Key Stage One, the children take on a lot more responsibility for their own learning journey and become much more independent learners.

Form Two have daily English and Mathematics lessons where the children build upon their learning from Form One and further develop their knowledge and understanding of all key concepts and areas in these subjects.

Form Two also have weekly spelling, grammar, verbal reasoning and mental maths tests, as well times table challenges. Reading books are changed daily and cursive handwriting is developed further. Homework for English and Mathematics is given each evening, building upon and supporting the daily class curriculum.

Form Two also cover a range of fun and interesting topics, which incorporate the teaching of Science, Art, Geography, History, Art, Design, RE and PSHEE.

The children also continue to have weekly Music, Spanish, ICT and PE lessons delivered by specialist teachers.

Homework :

Monday – Spellings and Maths (Spellings tested the following Monday)

Tues – English/Reasoning

Weds – Maths

Thurs – Comprehension

Fri – Maths – Mental maths and times tables work (to be tested on the Monday)

The children also continue to have weekly Music, Spanish, IT and PE lessons delivered by specialist teachers. They also participate in Forest School sessions fortnightly.

Form 2 Staff

Mrs L Jones


Mrs C Evans


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