Famous People

What a busy and fun week it’s been! Forest School is always a favourite part of our week and we were blessed with lovely Spring weather for a bug hunt.

We have continued to enjoy learning more about Florence Nightingale and produced really thoughtful character writing about how different people such as her parents and the doctors at Scutari hospital changed their opinions about her when they realised what a difference she made to helping clean up the hospitals and help many soldiers stay alive during the Crimean War.

We also listened to some excellent presentations about Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, William Shakespeare. Their projects were presented thoughtfully, and all the children spoke clearly and confidently.

We ended the week with a fantastic World Book Day celebration. Everyone dressed up or came in their pyjamas. Some fantastic efforts were made with costumes. We had a design a book cover competition, shared stories with Form 6 and had lots of fun trying to guess the teachers in the Masked Reader.