Category: Form 3


Settling In

Form three has settled in really well and been working very hard.  We have enjoyed looking at pointillism in art and the children were amazed by the way lots of little dots can make a picture.  They have also shown their ability to recognise the continents and find them on a map.  In maths they...



Form 3 had a great time at Sports Day! All children tried their very best and achieved some excellent results.This week we have been very busy with our exams and have put lots of effort into each one.   The children have been busy at home making 3D volcano models, we even had an exploding...


Greek Myths & Time

In Form 3 this week we have started looking at Greek Myths and have enjoyed discussing the morals of the different stories and discovering the beliefs in ancient Greece. In our Maths lessons we have been converting analogue time to digital time and have been measuring the duration of time for different events.


Lifesaving Skills

In swimming this week, Form 3 wore their pyjamas and practised important water safety survival skills! They were incredibly mature and sensible. In our English lessons we have been planning and writing a recount story, inspired by Kensuke’s Kingdom.


Handball & Outdoor Maths

This week Form 3 have been very busy. At the start of the week, we enjoyed learning ball skills with Moku who came to teach us Handball. We made the most of the glorious sun and completed our Maths work outside, working collaboratively to solve addition word problems. During Forest school, we learnt all about...



In Form 3 we have been continuing to read our class text, Kensuke’s Kingdom. This has inspired us to make predictions about what will happen next in the story and to write a diary entry in the role of the main character, Michael.  In their PE lessons, Form 3 have been enjoying their swimming and...



In Forest School last week, Form 3 had the opportunity to use flint and make their own fires. They needed to check the wind direction and remember how to be safe around fires. In our History lesson we discussed how people in the Stone Age relied heavily on fire for survival and how they developed...


Spanish Song

This week Form 3 have been planning their writing for the Lowry’s Creative Writing contest, including looking at using ambitious vocabulary and the features that make good story openers. Also, in Maths, we have been continuing to look at division and how our times table knowledge can help us. On Wednesday, we celebrated International Women’s...


World Book Day & Forest School

This week Form 3 made dens and toasted marshmallows in our Forest School session. They all thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait for the next session. The children enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and spending time in Form 1 sharing stories and taking part in book related activities. They also had their first...