Category: Form 3


Ready for the show

Form 3 have had a very busy and exciting week rehearsing for the show. They have worked so hard to practice their songs and parts, I am very proud of them all. We have also been creating some of the props for the show and the children have thoroughly enjoyed painting and helping. Well done...


Animal Homework Projects

The children really wowed with their homework projects. Each project was completely unique, and everyone chose a different favourite animal to research and present. The ways in which they were presented were so creative, colourful and detailed. The children demonstrated super confidence, when presenting their projects to the class. Demonstrating excellent speaking and listening skills.


Busy Form 3

What a wonderful week again for Form 3 with so much enthusiasm for learning. Form 3 have worked diligently to complete all homework to a high standard, well done. This week in Forest School the children loved taking part in an array of activities, including making flower perfume, creating fire, clay candles and weaving. Lots...


Busy Week

In Form 3 this week we have started to learn about The Romans, looking at when they ruled and what came before and after them, placing historical events on a timeline. In Forest School this week Form 3 thoroughly enjoyed our session, taking part in a super bug hunt, making caterpillars out of wood and...


A Busy Week in Form 3

Form 3 have had another busy and exciting week. We had a visit from Sean Perkins, an author. The children firstly attended his assembly and then later took part in a brilliant poetry workshop with Form 4. The workshop was about Space Poetry and the children looked at how to create a rhyming poem titled...


Bug Houses

Form 3 have had a super week. In forest school the children demonstrated great team work as they worked together to complete a scavenger hunt, they then went on to make a bug house, some even made a bug hotel, bird feeders and also bird’s nests. These are to help look after the animals in...


World Champion

Form 3 have had a wonderful week working extremely hard during our exams. The children have shown great determination and a super attitude each day as they have completed each paper. We are extremely proud of Aurora as she is now a World Champion, winning the gold medal in Ju jitsu, after taking part in...


Good Bye from Mr Knott

Form 3 have been fantastic this term and I have really enjoyed teaching them.  On Friday we designed Pointillism pictures in the style of George Seurat.  We have learnt what life was like for Tudor children and the differences between rich and poor families.  We have written Haikus in English using the correct syllable pattern and themes. I...


2D Shapes and Poetry

Form 3 have had a fantastic week.  We have been looking at the properties of 2D shapes and how to classify them.  We have written kennings, which are a type of riddle in poem form.  In history we have been comparing the diets of rich and poor.


Residential Trip – Anderton Centre

Form 3 set off yesterday for their first school residential trip to The Anderton Centre. The children were all really excited, even though some of the bags were nearly as big as they were!                                 They had an action packed afternoon...