Category: Form 6


Stem at Bolton Grammar School

This week, 4 members of Form 6 went with Mr Sullivan to Bolton School’s STEM activity morning. Anya, Ayush, Lana and Theo spent the morning building lunar landers, solving number & logic puzzles and constructing the tallest tower that they could from a limited assortment of DT materials. We all had a fantastic time working...


Pizza Making

This week Form 6 have been completing their end of year exams. In between they have been hard at work practising for the Summer Show and perfecting any last-minute songs. Most of Form 6 attended a rounders tournament with Mrs Jones and Miss Macdonald. The children who remained in school had the opportunity to make...



As well as starting our Bikeability, swimming and forest school sessions this week, Form 6 have tried to fit in preparing for our class assembly next Tuesday. This is just one of things we are planning to share with our parents and the rest of the school.



This week, as part of our ongoing WW2 studies, Form 6 have been creating our own rationing posters. We aimed to be inspiring and eye-catching in encouraging people to grow their own food and not waste. Check out our efforts on the Form 6 window as you pass by into the playground.


Form 6 Patterdale Trip

  What a fabulous week Form 6 have had at Patterdale. They have experienced new things and really enjoyed having new adventures and making some lasting memories with their friends. They have participated in gorge walking, archery, bushcraft, rock climbing and canoeing, to name but a few of the exciting experiences they have had. I...


Project Work

This term, Form 6 were set the task of producing two presentations – one on our History topic of World War Two and the other on our Geography topic of Rivers. Each week, one of their homework sessions was to be devoted to each one. Now, at the culmination of the term, they have brought...


Arden Court Visit

As part of our History work Form 6 were fortunate enough to tap into some first-hand memories when they visited one of our local care homes, Arden Court. The residents were all keen to share their memories of growing up either during or just after the war and the amazing changes that had occurred over...



The F6 art topic for this half term is combining a study of the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh with an understanding of how mosaics are made. To start the process of creating our own mosaic version of a Van Gogh artwork, we began to appreciate how mosaics get designed. Producing a simple...



This week Form 6 have begun their work on Shakespeare, prior to studying the play Romeo and Juliet. We used our well-honed research skills to find out about the life and works of the Bard to put the play into context. We will continue to look at Shakespeare’s world as we dig deeper into the...