Crucial Crew & WBD

Last week, Form 6 enjoyed a valuable visit to Crucial Crew at the Haldane Barracks in Salford. Across our three hours there, we learned all about how to stay safe and prevent coming to harm. From learning about the dangers of venturing onto railway lines to understanding why cigarettes and vaping are best avoided, Form 6 talked a lot of sense. The children were also each given their very own carbon monoxide detector to take home. This useful memento will ensure that our Form 6 families also stay safe.

It was also Form 6’s final World Book Day at Branwood this week. As you can see, they certainly made the day count! The children spent some of their day reading to Form 2, with plenty of snacks and drinks enjoyed by all. Mrs Jones was very complimentary indeed about the children’s nurturing nature with her class. Well done all.