Author: Branwood School (Branwood School)


Gingerbread Reindeer

Form 1 had great fun making ‘Gingerbread Reindeer’. They did a wonderful job of following the instructions. We are very proud of them all. They enjoyed their creations as a break time snack, and they were delicious!



KG2 have enjoyed all of their Christmas activities this half term. The children were amazing Bethlehem travellers in our production of ‘Simply the Nativity.’ Christmas jumper day for Save the Children on the day of our school Christmas lunch, went down a treat. The classroom became a Winter Wonderland with Santa’s Grotto, decorations, snow pictures...


Christmas Jumper Day

It was lovely to see so many bright and varied Christmas jumpers on our very own Christmas Jumper day. Donations to Save the Children totalling £138 were made and the whole school was buzzing with excitement. This also coincided with our Christmas lunch, made from scratch by Mr Pattinson and his amazing team. What a...


Debate Club

This half term saw the return of Branwood’s debate club. Pupils from Year 5 and 6 are invited to attend after school on Friday’s. The children are given a statement to debate and give their opinions of whether they agree, disagree or a combination of both. The children are also welcome to raise their own...


Eco School Update

Our Eco School Committee has had a busy term. After setting out their agenda for the year, they soon set their plans into action. Their three chosen areas to focus on this year are marine, water, and energy. As a team, they decided on three ways to support each area. To reduce the amount of...



We were able to donate over 50 items to Wood Street Mission’s Toy Appeal, through our parent generosity. Thank you so much!


Christmas Fair

A wonderful time was had by all at our annual Christmas Fair. There was an opportunity for the children to visit Santa, and he even had some of his Elves to help him. We had the ever popular bottle and chocolate tombola stalls as well as glitter tattoos, splat the turkey and name the teddy....


The Green Man Myth

Form 4 learnt about the myth of The Green Man (and woman!) The Green Man is a symbol deeply rooted in Celtic lore and is associated with the cyclical nature of life and nature deity. Through mythology, folklore, and Pagan beliefs, the Green Man represents the spiritual significance of nature and the divine symbol of rebirth and renewal. The children...


Find the Teddy

In Forest School Form 2 met Jess for the first time. She started the session by outlining the rules for Forest School and then talking about what we’d be learning in the session. The children we’re particularly interested in the big mushrooms. The children then went on a hunt for Jess’ teddies who had hidden...