KG2 have had a very busy first week back after the half term break. The children have been learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly, telling the time, completing artwork for our jungle themed cloakroom display as well as preparing for our Father’s Day assembly.
The week began with a reminder about the days of the week and the children successfully put these in order. Next, they learnt how to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. They enjoyed showing anyone they met in school just how clever they are by explaining where the hands on an analogue clock needed to be for o’clock and half past. Well done KG2.
The children thoroughly enjoyed their Forest School session this week. They enjoyed learning about birds, building small and large nests, making their own owl models and pretending to be Blackbirds searching for worms (pieces of string). As always, the children and the grown-ups had lots of fun.