The children have returned after their Winter break refreshed and ready to learn. They have enjoyed being back at school (and some of the parents).Our firework pictures which have been ongoing have been used to create a Happy New Year display reminding us all that this year is going to be an amazing one for us...
Category: KG2
KG2 have enjoyed all of their Christmas activities this half term. The children were amazing Bethlehem travellers in our production of ‘Simply the Nativity.’ Christmas jumper day for Save the Children on the day of our school Christmas lunch, went down a treat. The classroom became a Winter Wonderland with Santa’s Grotto, decorations, snow pictures...
KG2 have enjoyed collecting leaves as part of their topic on Autumn this term. Inspired by the artist Guiseppi Arcimboldo’s paintings, they created their own leaf faces, using the leaves they had collected. The children have enjoyed learning all about the Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights. One of the children spoke about their experiences...
Forest Food!
This week we enjoyed our second forest school lesson in KG2. We played a game on the playground at the start of the lesson to warm us up and then we were creating our own forest school restaurants. Children were in groups collecting ‘Forest food’ to cook and serve to our guests. What fun we...
Exploring numbers
This week the children have really enjoyed their literacy and maths lessons. In literacy they have been learning about the Seasons, reading the book ‘Leaf Man’ and going on an Autumn Walk around the grounds. At the beginning of the week during maths lessons, the children demonstrated excellent scissor control whilst independently ordering numbers from...
Stick Man
KG2 have made an amazing start to the new school year. They have settled in well and are showing us just how clever they are. This week, we have been reading two books in our literacy lessons: Stick Man and Stanley’s Stick. During one lesson, the children chose a picture from the story ‘Stick Man’...
Maths Genius
KG2 children never cease to amaze us and the journey that they take us on is always a fabulous one. We have been learning to count in twos, fives, and tens this year and the children are really good at doing this ready for Form 1. Kushal has taken this one step further by showing...
Special Visitors
KG2 and Form 1 invited their father figures to join us for breakfast. Our dads and uncles came to school in the morning to join us for pastries and juice. They were presented with a trophy, medal and a card, whilst each child shared what their dad was good at. It was lovely to hear...
Come Dine With Me
We have recently invited parents into school to ‘Come Dine’ with their children. Mr Pattinson and his team have produced some lovely food as always and the events have been a resounding success. We’ve really enjoyed sharing the lunchtime experience with our parents and are glad that you have enjoyed it too.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears
This week the children have been showing us just how clever they are, ready for the Easter Reports. They have also enjoyed the first of two weeks concentrating on the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ After reading and understanding the story, they sequenced it and enjoyed hot seating. Children volunteered to be either Goldilocks...