Sponsorship for Nature

This week has been a very exciting week in Form 1. Before the half term we were learning about endangered animals. We looked into ways in which we can help. After a vote, the children decided to adopt a sea turtle. They spent the weekend doing jobs around the house to raise money. We’ve been patiently waiting all week for the arrival of our newest member and on Friday he arrived. Form 1 have decided to call him Turtie. Each night children will be invited to take him home and spend time with him.

This is the 10th year pupils in Form 1 have raised money for the WWF. We have raised a large sum over that time and have adopted a number of animals, including two pandas. In recent years it has been announced that thanks to the effort of people, such as the children of Branwood, panda numbers have steadily increased and they are no longer critically endangered. Together we make a difference.