Author: Mrs Holroyd (Mrs Holroyd)



In maths, Form 1 have been learning about measures. We spent time outside exploring different ways to measure things including hands, feet, rulers, blocks. We discussed how using hands and feet aren’t reliable as we have different sized handspans and feet. In English, we have been studying the poem Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Did...


Harvest Help

This week, Form 6 did their bit for charity by making sure that our whole school food donations were all ready for collection by Salford Food Bank. Heavy bag after heavy bag was carried cheerfully by our children from hall to van. Well done team, you’ve helped our Branwood community to make a real difference...



It has been wonderful to see Ashvika helping the rest of Form 4 develop their understanding of Hinduism in Religious Education. We have really enjoyed learning about the different gods, especially the elephant-headed Ganesha. He is one of the most well-known and worshipped Hindu deity as the remover of obstacles. We also learned that many...



Form 3 have had a great week.  They have particularly enjoyed writing nonsense poems based on Spike Milligan’s “On The Ning Nang Nong” and Lewis Carroll’s “The Jabberwocky”.  We got very wet at Forest School but had a great time making conker soap and leaf mobiles amongst other things.  They have also been practising their...



Form 5 had a very soggy session at forest school this week. They were able to do a number of activities, including beading necklaces out of conkers; making Viking soap; and creating masterpieces out of clay. Great fun was had by all and the children embraced the rain and just got on with it!


Special Lunch Table

Every Friday, two children from KG2 are chosen to sit on a special table to eat their lunch. They are chosen because they have good table manners, try their food and set an exceptional example to their peers. The children enjoy being chosen and are very proud of themselves. The theme of our last Forest...


Salford Food Bank – Harvest Donations

This week our parents donated to our Harvest Festival appeal on behalf of Salford Food Bank. The generosity, as always, was overwhelming and many donations were received which were beautifully organised by our Form 6 class. The Form 6 class then helpfully assisted Salford Food Bank staff with loading the van with the donated items....


Football Success

Branwood’s under 9 football team are celebrating great success this week! We took part in the ISA North football tournament at The Grange School in Nantwich and returned as runners up of the whole tournament. The boys should be very proud of themselves. They were up against some much bigger schools and only lost one...



In maths this week we have been learning about place value. To do this we created two-digit numbers using a dice and then partitioned them into tens and units. In English, we have continued to explore poetry and can now spot rhymes or patterns. We have great fun writing about a day at a farm.



This week in history lessons we have been continuing to enjoy learning about William the Conqueror and how castles were developed over the years. We discovered there were lots of different buildings and parts found in stone castles and were amazed to hear that The Tower of London dates back to the time of William...