Category: Form 5


Liverpool Museum Trip

Form 5 and Form 6 had a wonderful day at the Liverpool Museum, on Thursday. We saw some interesting exhibits, including some real Ancient Egyptian mummies, dinosaur artifacts as well as many more! The main focus and highlight of our trip was the space exhibition. The children had the opportunity to lift a piece of...


Class Assembly

Form Five have been practicing their vocabulary, as a part of our Complete Comprehension unit. We have made it a little more fun with a dictionary game, where the children see how speedily they can look up new key vocabulary, that crops up on each Comprehension test, in a dictionary. A little friendly competition goes...


World Book Day

Form Five have been working so hard on their preparation for their examinations this week! It was nice to have a little break on Thursday, to celebrate World Book Day! Lots of children came to school in their cosy pyjamas and we even had some brilliant book-related costumes! Has anyone seen Wally?


Sean Perkins visit to Form 5 & 6

Form 5 and Form 6 had a wonderful time with author, Sean Perkins. Sean is a poet and songwriter, as well as an author, and ran a session for the children about how to write song lyrics and rhyming poems. The children had an amazing time and it was lovely to see some of their...


Christmas Preparation

Form 5 have been feeling festive and preparing for the upcoming Christmas season! We have decorated the tree this week. The children are welcome to bring their own bauble to add to the tree; Charlotte already has done! We will be exploring winter and Christmas, as a theme in our writing lessons, next week!


Hedgehog Den

Form 5 had a great Forest School session; even with the challenging weather situation. The children had a go at making a nature den for hedgehogs. Lottie said, “We found sticks and hammered them into the ground to make sturdy dens.” Seb continued, “We dug ditches toward the den so the hedgehogs could crawl to...



Form 5 had a nice little break from their exam timetable this week, when they started a new unit in their ICT lessons. The children are going to be learning all about coding, up until the Christmas holidays. Today, the children learnt about what a computer bug is and how to debug a programme; they...


Spooky Writing

Form 5 have been feeling spooky this week and we have channelled our spookiness into some fantastic creative writing, based on a picture of a creepy, haunted house! A lot of the children wrote fabulous stories, which really creeped me out!! Here are Grace and Charlotte displaying their work!  



Form five have been writing their own prayers in RE. We discussed that not everybody has a God, which is fine, we accept everybody in this classroom, regardless of whom or what they believe in. Some of the children chose to write prayers to their God and some chose to write thank you messages but all...



Form 5 had a very soggy session at forest school this week. They were able to do a number of activities, including beading necklaces out of conkers; making Viking soap; and creating masterpieces out of clay. Great fun was had by all and the children embraced the rain and just got on with it!