Eco School Update

Our Eco School Committee has had a busy term. After setting out their agenda for the year, they soon set their plans into action. Their three chosen areas to focus on this year are marine, water, and energy. As a team, they decided on three ways to support each area.

To reduce the amount of energy wasted at school they have decided to:

  • encourage classes to have an energy-free hour each week
  • have an energy monitor for each class who will make sure that boards and lights are turned off when classrooms are empty
  • promote minimal displays on windows. Research suggests that natural light boosts children’s well-being and academic achievement.

To conserve biodiversity and protect marine life they have decided to:

  • reduce the amount of glitter used in school and promote the use of biodegradable glitter
  • take part in a canal clean
  • Promote less laminating in school

Recently, they have made bird feeders and placed them around the copse area at school. These will help to feed local birds through the Winter months. To support our reduce, reuse, recycle pledge, a uniform stall was set up at the Christmas Fair selling school uniform at a bargain price of £1 per item!

A super first term for the team!