Pupil Parliament


Why do we have a Pupil Parliament?

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. Branwood’s Pupil Parliament is a formal group of pupils elected by their peers to represent them and their views. The primary goal of our Pupil Parliament is to ensure that pupils’ voices are not only heard but also acted upon.



A welcome from our Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister 


Our names are Sebastian and Vibha we are the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the Pupil Parliament. 

We are super excited to fully embrace our leadership roles, be the best role models we can be, and support Branwood. We look forward to sharing updates with you. 


Sebastian and Vibha


Membership and Elections

Any pupil of Branwood Preparatory School can put themselves forward to be elected democratically. Each candidate will present a speech to their peers explaining why they think they would be the best person. Then a secret ballot is held by the pupils who write down the name of the person they decide on.


Our Team 

Including Sebastian and Vibha, there are currently 20 members on the committee. They are joined by: 

Form 5 – Vanessa, Eyad, Dean and Ava-Grace 

Form 4 – Isabelle, Beatrice, Ayana and Thomas

Form 3 – Mohammed, Lyan, Alyssa and Yusha 

Form 2 – Zoe, Chibinyelum, Yichen and Eshaal 

Form 1 – Ivy and Fatimah 


The role of a Pupil Parliament member 

All members of the team are expected to: 

  • Attend regular meetings with other Pupil Parliament members from each class 
  • Take ideas and suggestions your class have to discuss at meetings 
  • Bring back ideas, information and suggestions to your class to listen, discuss, share their views and, where necessary, vote on actions that need to be taken
  • Help to organise charity events throughout the year
  • Encourage the pupils in your class to be aware of their school environment and to respect and care for it 
  • Some of the more senior School Council members will be responsible for specific tasks: 
  • Prime Minister – The Prime Minister is the head of the School Council. They are responsible for running meetings and for ensuring decisions are acted on. 
  • Deputy Prime Minister – The Deputy Prime Minister supports the Prime Minister in their role and act on their behalf if they are absent. They will help to make final decisions and will support younger members of the group to ensure that they have a voice. 
  • Secretary – The secretary is responsible for taking minutes and sharing meeting agendas. They will work with the Prime Minister and Deputy to plan what will be discussed at each meeting. 
  • Press Secretary – The press secretary is responsible for writing and sharing press releases. 


  • Pupil well-being questionnaires
  • Purchased playground equipment
  • Taken the lead on playground games
  • Managed lost property



How can pupils communicate with the Pupil Parliament?

Our Pupil Parliament members wear badges to help other pupils identify them easily. They are all approachable and are seen around the school. The Pupil Parliament members feedback to their class after our meetings and use this time to speak to their peers. They can also talk to Mrs Houseman.



Code of Conduct

  • Be reliable
  • Be proud of our school and look for ways to improve it further for its pupils
  • Listen to others and respect differences of opinion
  • Be a representative for your class members, sharing the views and opinions of the majority rather than your own agenda
  • Be enthusiastic, committed and patient
  • Follow the school rules
  • Use your position on the Pupil Parliament to support and develop our school community




The Pupil Parliament met to discuss the characteristics and ideals which make Branwood Preparatory School the outstanding school that it is. They decided on the following ethos:



Role models

Aim high


Work ethic






Our Purpose


Why do we have a Pupil Parliament?

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. Branwood’s Pupil Parliament is a formal group of pupils elected by their peers to represent them and their views. The primary goal of our Pupil Parliament is to ensure that pupils’ voices are not only heard but also acted upon.



A welcome from our Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister 


Our names are Sebastian and Vibha we are the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the Pupil Parliament. 

We are super excited to fully embrace our leadership roles, be the best role models we can be, and support Branwood. We look forward to sharing updates with you. 


Sebastian and Vibha


Membership & Elections

Membership and Elections

Any pupil of Branwood Preparatory School can put themselves forward to be elected democratically. Each candidate will present a speech to their peers explaining why they think they would be the best person. Then a secret ballot is held by the pupils who write down the name of the person they decide on.


Our Team 

Including Sebastian and Vibha, there are currently 20 members on the committee. They are joined by: 

Form 5 – Vanessa, Eyad, Dean and Ava-Grace 

Form 4 – Isabelle, Beatrice, Ayana and Thomas

Form 3 – Mohammed, Lyan, Alyssa and Yusha 

Form 2 – Zoe, Chibinyelum, Yichen and Eshaal 

Form 1 – Ivy and Fatimah 


The role of a Pupil Parliament member 

All members of the team are expected to: 

  • Attend regular meetings with other Pupil Parliament members from each class 
  • Take ideas and suggestions your class have to discuss at meetings 
  • Bring back ideas, information and suggestions to your class to listen, discuss, share their views and, where necessary, vote on actions that need to be taken
  • Help to organise charity events throughout the year
  • Encourage the pupils in your class to be aware of their school environment and to respect and care for it 
  • Some of the more senior School Council members will be responsible for specific tasks: 
  • Prime Minister – The Prime Minister is the head of the School Council. They are responsible for running meetings and for ensuring decisions are acted on. 
  • Deputy Prime Minister – The Deputy Prime Minister supports the Prime Minister in their role and act on their behalf if they are absent. They will help to make final decisions and will support younger members of the group to ensure that they have a voice. 
  • Secretary – The secretary is responsible for taking minutes and sharing meeting agendas. They will work with the Prime Minister and Deputy to plan what will be discussed at each meeting. 
  • Press Secretary – The press secretary is responsible for writing and sharing press releases. 


  • Pupil well-being questionnaires
  • Purchased playground equipment
  • Taken the lead on playground games
  • Managed lost property




How can pupils communicate with the Pupil Parliament?

Our Pupil Parliament members wear badges to help other pupils identify them easily. They are all approachable and are seen around the school. The Pupil Parliament members feedback to their class after our meetings and use this time to speak to their peers. They can also talk to Mrs Houseman.



Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

  • Be reliable
  • Be proud of our school and look for ways to improve it further for its pupils
  • Listen to others and respect differences of opinion
  • Be a representative for your class members, sharing the views and opinions of the majority rather than your own agenda
  • Be enthusiastic, committed and patient
  • Follow the school rules
  • Use your position on the Pupil Parliament to support and develop our school community





The Pupil Parliament met to discuss the characteristics and ideals which make Branwood Preparatory School the outstanding school that it is. They decided on the following ethos:



Role models

Aim high


Work ethic






School Parliament Updates

Eco School Update

Our Eco School Committee has had a busy term. After setting out their agenda for the year, they soon set their plans into action. Their three chosen areas to focus on this year are marine, water, and energy. As a team, they decided on three ways to support each area. To reduce the amount of…

School Parliament – Eco Aims

This week the team met to create an action plan for our Eco School Award application. We have chosen to focus on Litter, Energy & School Grounds. The team split into three groups and chose 2 targets for each area. They are hoping to achieve: Plants in classrooms An outdoor learning area Energy Savings days/hours…