Welcome to Branwood Preparatory School

Welcome to Branwood Preparatory School, where we offer superior co-educational schooling for children aged three to eleven.

As Headmaster of Branwood Preparatory School, I am delighted to provide you with an insight into the fantastic activities and opportunities offered at the School.

Whether this is your first experience of the School or if you have visited before, our independent ethos is clear to see from our wonderful pupils and staff.

Whilst based on the traditional values of hard work, academic excellence, extra-curricular music and sport, courtesy, kindness and respect, the school is also forward looking, enabling all our pupils to achieve their true potential.

The following pages will give you a flavour of what to expect at the School, including the extensive range of opportunities available for pupils both inside and outside of the classroom. Our examination results to local Independent and Trafford grammar schools speak for themselves, however, nothing can match the experience of actually visiting, seeing and feeling for yourself the friendly atmosphere and enthusiasm for learning that I believe pervades from the moment your child joins us.

I would be delighted to show you round and provide an opportunity for you to meet my colleagues and our pupils.

Andrew Whittell

Latest News

Maths Genius

KG2 children never cease to amaze us and the journey that they take us on is always a fabulous one. We have been learning to count in twos, fives, and tens this year and the children are really good at doing this ready for Form 1. Kushal has taken this one step further by showing…

Ready for the show

Form 3 have had a very busy and exciting week rehearsing for the show. They have worked so hard to practice their songs and parts, I am very proud of them all. We have also been creating some of the props for the show and the children have thoroughly enjoyed painting and helping. Well done…

Growing Up!

KG1 enjoyed forest school this week and we were blessed with fine weather. The children made fairy doors, homes for fairies and had lots of fun looking for fairy treasure. Blowing bubbles was lots of fun too. The children have also felt very grown up this week. They have been getting ready for KG2 and…

Super Heroes

The end of the year is fast approaching. This half-term is all about superheroes. In history, we have investigated the work of Edward Jenner, the creator of the smallpox vaccine, and William Wilberforce, who eradicated slavery in England. In Science, we have learnt about the superheroes, Mae Jemison, the first black woman to go to…

Community Links

We are delighted to have teamed up with Clarendon Road Community Primary school, to share some of our wonderful school facilities. They have very limited outside green space and the staff have been using local public areas to give the children an opportunity to connect with nature and promote wellbeing. The school already have a…

Athletics Success

Ismail was chosen out of 100’s of competitors to represent the ISA North Athletics team at the National Championships in Birmingham on Monday. He ran in the 150m individual and 100m relay races. We are absolutely delighted to share that he won gold in both events! His personal time for the 150m was 21.85, just 0.85…

Eco School Award – Distinction

We would like to share our excitement with you as Mrs Houseman and the pupil parliament have achieved our Eco School Award with distinction. Some of the comments noted on our award were ‘It is evident that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and passionate about protecting our planet – your…

Charity Run

A HUGE well done to Monoyo and Aninoritse, who took part in the AJ Bell Junior Manchester run.They raised and amazing £450 for the Inner City Back-to-School Campaign, which helps under privileged children, to get an education.

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