Author: Mrs Holroyd (Mrs Holroyd)


KG1 Easter Bonnets

KG1 have had a lovely last week of this Spring term. The children have enjoyed decorating their Easter bonnets, they have made Easter cards and gained an understanding of the Easter story. KG1 would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.


Story Writing

Form One have been working on their creative writing skills. They have analysed texts, predicted how stories might end and used their imagination to plan and write their own story. In maths, they have been busy refining their mental maths skills through the Daily 10, counting in 5s and 10s from different starting points and...


Author Visit

KG1 were very lucky this week to work with a visiting author, Sean Perkins. The children enjoyed listening to his super story, Oscar and Ben, the birthday party. The children worked with Sean to create an imaginary creature and then following Sean’s lead became illustrators themselves, drawing their interpretation of the creature. They did an...


Holi Celebration

KG1 had a very busy week. The children celebrated Holi by dressing in very colourful clothes and they watched a special programme all about Holi. In the programme children made Rangoli patterns on paper plates. “Can we do that?” KG1 asked. WE DID! KG1 then had so much fun squirting paint onto paper plates and...


World Book Day

KG1 have had a busy first week in school after the half term. Forest school was super fun, making rainbows and toasting buns over the fire. KG1 had a fun packed World Book Day. The children tried to guess the Teachers behind the mask in the Masked Reader and thoroughly enjoyed Form 6 coming over...


Big Write

Every week, Form 5 do a piece of independent writing, we call this ‘Big Write’. Last week, the children were asked to write a story, inspired by a picture of a ship in a stormy sea. Theo wrote the most incredible short story; his writing was inspirational and a true pleasure to read!


Easter Story

KG1 had a lovely week. The children have been listening to the beginning of the Easter story, hearing the story of Palm Sunday. They have made their own palms and drawn some super pictures too. The children have been busy in Phonics and our sound of the week this week was e. In maths we...


Story Writing

As part of their topic on Stories from other Cultures, Form One have been planning and writing their own stories in the style of Handa’s Surprise. They have amazed us with their ideas, handwriting, spelling and effort. We have really enjoyed listening to their stories. Form One have also developed a love for playing Time...



In Form 3 we have been continuing to read our class text, Kensuke’s Kingdom. This has inspired us to make predictions about what will happen next in the story and to write a diary entry in the role of the main character, Michael.  In their PE lessons, Form 3 have been enjoying their swimming and...



Form 2 really enjoyed their visit from local writer Rogan Mills. They loved listening to the various styles of stories he told and have been inspired to make up their own to tell their friends. Linked to our Great Fire of London topic, the children created searching questions to ask during our hot seating activity....