Category: KG1


Autumn Leaves

KG1 began their Forest School adventures. The children were very excited to explore the outdoors. They sang some Autumn songs accompanied by Jess on her Ukelele and collected Autumn leaves to make a lovely Autumn leaf collage.


KG1 Jigsaw

KG1 have had a super week in school. The children have been busy making friends, playing and learning together. In PSHEE the children learnt all about being part of the KG1  ‘class jigsaw’. Our KG1 classroom is a real life puzzle. Everyone is a special part of our class jigsaw and together we make a...


Stepping into Sport

KG1 have had a super first full week in class this week. The children have enjoyed their first Phonic sessions and have been on listening walks outside and inside school. They heard some very interesting sounds and tried very hard to record their findings on their Phonic worksheet. The children were very excited to take...


Settling In

KG1 have had their ‘settling in week’ and the children have enjoyed their first few days in school. They have met their new friends, learnt some of the KG1 routines and explored their new environment. Some of the children have participated in their first Spanish, Music, I.T and P.E lessons. As they begin full time,...


Growing Up!

KG1 enjoyed forest school this week and we were blessed with fine weather. The children made fairy doors, homes for fairies and had lots of fun looking for fairy treasure. Blowing bubbles was lots of fun too. The children have also felt very grown up this week. They have been getting ready for KG2 and...


Come Dine With Me

We have recently invited parents into school to ‘Come Dine’ with their children. Mr Pattinson and his team have produced some lovely food as always and the events have been a resounding success. We’ve really enjoyed sharing the lunchtime experience with our parents and are glad that you have enjoyed it too.



KG1 have had a busy, happy week in school enjoying all their learning. The children had the last Forest school of the term and it was so, so muddy! Nevertheless, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They jumped in the mud, played hide and seek among the trees, planted sunflowers, made leaf soup in the mud...


Mother’s Day

KG1 have been very busy this week. The children have been thinking about how important their Mum’s are to them and they have been making some lovely art and crafts for Mother’s Day. They have also been very busy matching quantities to numerals, working in their Maths workbooks. The children have also been working hard...


Letter Formation

Another busy week for KG1 this week. The children are getting very excited for their Nativity performances and have been rehearsing with the rest of Lower school this week. Mrs Boulton came to visit KG 1 this week to see how busy we are. The children were working hard on Phonics, matching objects to their...