Category: Form 1


Super Heroes

The end of the year is fast approaching. This half-term is all about superheroes. In history, we have investigated the work of Edward Jenner, the creator of the smallpox vaccine, and William Wilberforce, who eradicated slavery in England. In Science, we have learnt about the superheroes, Mae Jemison, the first black woman to go to...


Fathers Day with Form 1

A great time was had by all as Form 1 were joined by their dads for a special breakfast. Warm pastries were enjoyed while the children sat with their dads, drawing portraits and completing activities. Each father was awarded a trophy and a medal in recognition of all the wonderful things they do. There were...


Come Dine With Me

We have recently invited parents into school to ‘Come Dine’ with their children. Mr Pattinson and his team have produced some lovely food as always and the events have been a resounding success. We’ve really enjoyed sharing the lunchtime experience with our parents and are glad that you have enjoyed it too.


Exploring Africa

This week we have explored Africa. In Geography, we located it on the map and studied life in Kenya. We looked at the animals that live there and how the capital city of Nairobi compares to life in a village. In English, we used the iPads to create animal fact files. We learnt how to...


Topic Work

We are really enjoying our topic, stories from other cultures. We have read The Runaway Chapati which is set in India and Handa’s Surprise which is set in Kenya. We are looking forward to reading more. In Geography, we have explored Australia and in particular Aboriginal Art. In Science, we have successfully grown and tasted...


Mother’s Day

The highlight of our week was our Mother’s Day assembly on Tuesday morning. Miss Macdonald and I were very proud of Form 1. They each stood in front of an audience and were able to speak aloud. They put a lot of effort into making the assembly special and I know the mums left feeling...


Sean Perkins visit to Form 1

We saw the return of author Sean Perkins this week. Form 1 had great fun turning their ‘Teacher into a Creature’. Sean has visited Branwood a number of times and his visits have always been enjoyable. Form 1 really enjoyed his silly stories and enthusiastic storytelling.


Julia Donaldson at The Lowry

Form 1 went on a very exciting trip this week. After Christmas, we will be studying the work of Julia Donaldson. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Julia and Axel releasing their first book, A Squash and Squeeze. Form 1 visited the special exhibition and had great fun exploring artwork and interactive displays. We were...


Aliens Love Underpants

In English, we have been studying the work of Clare Freeman. Form 1 thoroughly enjoyed listening to Aliens Love Underpants and were inspired to create their own aliens for our class display. This was followed with lessons on writing character descriptions. In maths, we have been studying place value, and had a very successful lesson...



As part of our science topics, animals including humans, Form 1 were given the task to classify a group of animals. It was a funny moment when some of them realised they are indeed animals themselves! We looked at mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles, insects and fish. In the classroom, we have been learning about Diwali...