Category: Form 4


A Busy Week

Form 4 have had a fantastic first week back. We have been investigating Roman Numerals, finishing off our work on playscripts, beginning our learning on Buddhist festivals and, to top it off, creating a working model of the digestive system!



Form 4 were celebrating the beginning of Spring (despite the rain!) in Forest School by planting sunflowers, weaving and making seed mosaics! We have also made stencils to create a Blitz skyline picture full of contrast and different tones.



Form 4 have made great progress with our WWII topic this week! We have been exploring shading techniques and have been using grids to help us to recreate photographs of WWII aircrafts. We have also been looking at the roles of different men and women who helped with the war effort – a highlight was...


The Butterfly Lion

Form 4 are really enjoying their class novel, The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo. After a boy runs away from school (not advised!), he is befriended by an old lady who tells him the story of her friend Bertie who lived as a boy on a compound in the South African veld, near a water...



As Form 4 move on from exam week and start thinking about Christmas, we have begun to study Christmas journeys in Religious Education, beginning with finding out about Bethlehem. We learned that Bethlehem lay on an ancient trading route, was the birthplace of King David, and was even mentioned in the book of Genesis in...



Notwithstanding the rigors of exam week, Form 4 have begun their new Science topic: ‘Electricity’. This week we looked at different household appliances, grouping them based on whether they are mains- or battery-powered. We then used a Venn diagram to present their findings. Next week we will move on to identifying circuit components and building...



Form 4 have been enjoying studying Beowulf across history and English lessons. They were able to discuss ideas about what the story of Beowulf tells us about Anglo-Saxon society and culture before trying their hand at character descriptions of either the brave hero Beowulf or his fearsome opponent Grendel. Here are some of their sentences:...


Food Origins

Form 4 has really enjoyed finding out where their food comes from. We looked at different types of farms in the UK while exploring the process of growing and importing bananas from the Caribbean. We also discovered how pasta is made from Durum wheat grown in Italy. Please support your child by showing them food...



It has been wonderful to see Ashvika helping the rest of Form 4 develop their understanding of Hinduism in Religious Education. We have really enjoyed learning about the different gods, especially the elephant-headed Ganesha. He is one of the most well-known and worshipped Hindu deity as the remover of obstacles. We also learned that many...


Christmas Card Designs

Much like many of our high street shops, Form 4 have been getting ready for Christmas this week. We have all been designing our own Christmas cards ready to take home for parents to order ready for the festive season. In addition to packs of cards, the design can also be used for mugs, wrapping...