Category: Form 4


Reading Challenge Continued …

Form 4’s reading odyssey continues to impress. Our whole class reward is clearly in sight now, with our reading challenge marble jar edging closer to being full. This week… From a fantastic holiday, to a fantasy creature, Lamaisah (dressed in suitably colourful attire) enjoyed reading Unicorn Magic on her holiday sun lounger Jacob sent us...


Reading Challenge

Another day, another zany way to read in Form 4. When Ananth told us that he loves to read on a drive, we didn’t know that he meant his driveWAY! A much wiser book choice there too than the Mini Cooper handbook for sure. Hardback, paperback, roof-rack(?!); Ella is also a fan of reading on...


Form 4 Extreme Reading

Form 4 have been wowing us with their ultra-imaginative reading exploits. We will send out four or five pictures over the next few editions of the Branwood Bee to show you how committed we are to our reading. Keep your eyes peeled everyone. This week, allow me to present:   Isabel showing us how she...


Space Themed Assembly

This week, in honour of National Space Week, our stellar Form 4 performed their space-themed class assembly. The children took a captivated audience on the journey around the Solar System and beyond. From the hellishly hot conditions of Mercury and Venus, to the frozen satellites of Saturn, the children appraised our cosmic neighbourhood for the...


Teeth – Science Experiment

As part of learning about dental hygiene and tooth decay, Form 4 investigated the effect of different liquids upon boiled eggs. Egg shells are made of a similar material to tooth enamel, so luckily we didn’t all have to donate teeth of our own! We placed individual eggs into six separate cups, each containing one...



The first impression given by any written piece of writing is how neatly presented it is. To this end, we have been working on improving our cursive writing for the past few weeks. I am happy to report that the children are making excellent progress and are – quite rightly – all very proud of...


The Romans

Form 4 have been busy building over the past few weeks. We have just finished our Romans topic in History and the children were asked to end the topic by creating a 3D example of Roman architecture. Every single submission was absolutely wonderful and both Mr. Sullivan and I were so proud of the class...


World Book Day

Form 4 were fortunate enough to enjoy two exciting events on one day. They began the day dressed up to mark our World Book Day celebrations. We enjoyed reading to Form 2 children as we snacked on toast, brioche and milkshakes. The children also began their swimming lessons with a trip to Worsley Leisure Centre....