Author: Mrs Holroyd (Mrs Holroyd)


Hedgehog Den

Form 5 had a great Forest School session; even with the challenging weather situation. The children had a go at making a nature den for hedgehogs. Lottie said, “We found sticks and hammered them into the ground to make sturdy dens.” Seb continued, “We dug ditches toward the den so the hedgehogs could crawl to...


The letter t

This week the children have been very busy learning all the songs for the Nativity. They are singing with gusto and their favourite song to sing is Bundle of Joy. They are looking forward to being on the stage, taking the part of the different animals and wearing their costumes. In class the sound of...


Castle Assembly

The definite highlight for Form 2 this week has to be their fantastic assembly about our Castles topic. All members of ‘Castle Branwood’ worked so hard and performed amazingly, speaking loudly and clearly, learning their lines and actions to our songs. They are very proud of themselves and looking forward to taking the stage once again...


Aliens Love Underpants

In English, we have been studying the work of Clare Freeman. Form 1 thoroughly enjoyed listening to Aliens Love Underpants and were inspired to create their own aliens for our class display. This was followed with lessons on writing character descriptions. In maths, we have been studying place value, and had a very successful lesson...



Our multi-talented Form 6 children have spent the week making sure that our classroom showcases the best of us. From creative writing to art skills, our classroom is really looking the part ahead of our upcoming open days and parents’ evening.


Forest School & Space

Towards the end of last week, KG2 enjoyed learning about Diwali and Armistice Day. This week, we have been learning about Space. We discussed the difference between fiction and non-fiction books, then researched some planets. Then we wrote fantastic sentences about the Earth and it’s only star, the sun. In maths, we learnt the vocabulary...


Bug Houses

Form 3 have had a super week. In forest school the children demonstrated great team work as they worked together to complete a scavenger hunt, they then went on to make a bug house, some even made a bug hotel, bird feeders and also bird’s nests. These are to help look after the animals in...



As Form 4 move on from exam week and start thinking about Christmas, we have begun to study Christmas journeys in Religious Education, beginning with finding out about Bethlehem. We learned that Bethlehem lay on an ancient trading route, was the birthplace of King David, and was even mentioned in the book of Genesis in...


World Champions

International Success!  Once again Aurora and Rivers triumphed in a recent event in Dubai. They both came away with gold medals! A HUGE well done to you both. Aurora is off to Germany this weekend to compete in another competition so good luck Aurora.