Author: Mrs Holroyd (Mrs Holroyd)



This week KG 1 have been learning all about Harvest. The children have enjoyed making Harvest baskets and doing fruit and vegetable printing with a variety of different foods. They also worked hard with scissor skills to decorate the baskets with wool. The children have enjoyed listening to the story of The Little Red Hen,...


Stem at Bolton Grammar School

This week, 4 members of Form 6 went with Mr Sullivan to Bolton School’s STEM activity morning. Anya, Ayush, Lana and Theo spent the morning building lunar landers, solving number & logic puzzles and constructing the tallest tower that they could from a limited assortment of DT materials. We all had a fantastic time working...


Christmas Card Designs

Much like many of our high street shops, Form 4 have been getting ready for Christmas this week. We have all been designing our own Christmas cards ready to take home for parents to order ready for the festive season. In addition to packs of cards, the design can also be used for mugs, wrapping...


2D Shapes and Poetry

Form 3 have had a fantastic week.  We have been looking at the properties of 2D shapes and how to classify them.  We have written kennings, which are a type of riddle in poem form.  In history we have been comparing the diets of rich and poor.


Bear Hunt & Autumn Art

KG2 have had a wonderful week this week. They have been reading ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ and have enjoyed re-writing the story to include going on a snake, shark, hyena, lion or tiger hunt. The children had fun listening to everyone’s ideas. In maths the topic has been patterns and the children have...


Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon was a huge success! Thank you to all the parents who took time out of their busy schedules to help run the event and thank you to everyone, who came to visit and help us raise almost £400 in aid of Macmillan. A special shoutout to Lucie, Myla, Tara and Lana (F6)...


Martial Arts Triumph!

A huge well done to Rivers & Aurora who triumphed in the recent European BJJ Event. These are definitely two to watch! HUGE Congratulations to you both!  


House Captains

Congratulations to all these children who have been chosen as captains and vice-captains of their respective houses.



It has been another busy week in the Form One classroom. In maths, we are studying addition and subtraction skills. In English, we are learning to write labels, lists and captions. We enjoyed combining our art skills and English skills in our science lesson to draw and label the parts of our bodies. We challenged...



This week we have been continuing our art topic about the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. We have enjoyed learning about his style and techniques and have produced some excellent pieces based on ‘Composition’ and ‘Boogie Woogie Broadway’. Here is our lovely classroom display. Our commendations this week go to Nathan for his amazing maths work-...