Author: Branwood School (Branwood School)


Eco School Award – Distinction

We would like to share our excitement with you as Mrs Houseman and the pupil parliament have achieved our Eco School Award with distinction. Some of the comments noted on our award were ‘It is evident that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and passionate about protecting our planet – your...


Charity Run

A HUGE well done to Monoyo and Aninoritse, who took part in the AJ Bell Junior Manchester run.They raised and amazing £450 for the Inner City Back-to-School Campaign, which helps under privileged children, to get an education.


Liverpool Museum Trip

Form 5 and Form 6 had a wonderful day at the Liverpool Museum, on Thursday. We saw some interesting exhibits, including some real Ancient Egyptian mummies, dinosaur artifacts as well as many more! The main focus and highlight of our trip was the space exhibition. The children had the opportunity to lift a piece of...


Sea Creatures

Form 2 have completed some excellent projects about different sea creatures. This week it was the turn of Alyssa, Xavier, Isla and Fahad. All of them spoke clearly and presented their work creatively.


A Busy Week

Form 4 have had a fantastic first week back. We have been investigating Roman Numerals, finishing off our work on playscripts, beginning our learning on Buddhist festivals and, to top it off, creating a working model of the digestive system!


Special Visitors

KG2 and Form 1 invited their father figures to join us for breakfast. Our dads and uncles came to school in the morning to join us for pastries and juice. They were presented with a trophy, medal and a card, whilst each child shared what their dad was good at. It was lovely to hear...


Fathers Day with Form 1

A great time was had by all as Form 1 were joined by their dads for a special breakfast. Warm pastries were enjoyed while the children sat with their dads, drawing portraits and completing activities. Each father was awarded a trophy and a medal in recognition of all the wonderful things they do. There were...


Animal Homework Projects

The children really wowed with their homework projects. Each project was completely unique, and everyone chose a different favourite animal to research and present. The ways in which they were presented were so creative, colourful and detailed. The children demonstrated super confidence, when presenting their projects to the class. Demonstrating excellent speaking and listening skills.


Come Dine With Me

We have recently invited parents into school to ‘Come Dine’ with their children. Mr Pattinson and his team have produced some lovely food as always and the events have been a resounding success. We’ve really enjoyed sharing the lunchtime experience with our parents and are glad that you have enjoyed it too.