Author: Mrs Holroyd (Mrs Holroyd)


All together…

KG1 have had a very happy and busy week at Branwood. Everyone was together for the first time and all the children have enjoyed seeing all their friends. The children have begun their Phase 1 Phonics and have enjoyed using the Interactive board to support their learning. This week the children have been learning about...


Figurative Language

Form 5 have been learning about figurative language this week; specifically, similes, metaphors and personification. In the introduction lesson, the children were given the opportunity to write some WOW sentences on their whiteboards and I was blown away by some of their figurative language skills!                     ...


The Change of Seasons

KG2 have had another fantastic week and have worked incredibly hard. Our book of the week was ‘Leaf man.’ During literacy they have been learning about the seasons, having a walk around the copse and playground looking for seasonal changes and taking part in lots of discussions. The children have drawn some super pictures to...


Residential Trip – Anderton Centre

Form 3 set off yesterday for their first school residential trip to The Anderton Centre. The children were all really excited, even though some of the bags were nearly as big as they were!                                 They had an action packed afternoon...


LAMDA Success

Huge congratulations to Lottie, Charlotte & Grace who took their LAMDA examinations in the summer and all achieved Distinctions. Well done girls we are very proud of you


Forest School

     The class are at the end of our first full week and are continuing to settle well into their new routines. A particular highlight of the week was Forest School. We thoroughly enjoy Forest School. This week we made stick characters and toasted croissants – yum!  


First Forest School Session

The class have settled so well into their new routines and are already working very hard. We have enjoyed writing and sharing information all about ourselves and have drawn some lovely colourful portraits. See if you can tell who is who when you visit the Form 2 cloakroom! We have also started our topic of...


The Journey begins …

KG1 have had a super start to their time at Branwood. This week many of the children stayed for lunch for the first time and really enjoyed Mr Pattinson’s delicious lunches. The children have been getting used to the school routines and have enjoyed ‘loving to learn’ with their new friends. They have been learning...


Settling In

Form three has settled in really well and been working very hard.  We have enjoyed looking at pointillism in art and the children were amazed by the way lots of little dots can make a picture.  They have also shown their ability to recognise the continents and find them on a map.  In maths they...



Now that they have fully settled in, Form 6 have been allocated their prefect responsibilities. They are as follows: Class prefects: KG1 – Lana & Tim KG2 – Jawaid, Ayush & Daniel F1   – Tara & Myla F2   – Rezana, Lynott, Jude F3   – Lucie & Logan F4   – Oscar & Isaac F5   – Anya...