Author: Mrs Holroyd (Mrs Holroyd)


Classroom Display

This term we have been learning all about ourselves. The cloakroom display has been the topic of discussion regularly in the classroom as Mrs Dickinson has been displaying the children’s (and our) baby photo’s, images showing them growing up and with their family. It has been lovely to watch the children glow with pride when...


Arden Court Visit

As part of our History work Form 6 were fortunate enough to tap into some first-hand memories when they visited one of our local care homes, Arden Court. The residents were all keen to share their memories of growing up either during or just after the war and the amazing changes that had occurred over...



The F6 art topic for this half term is combining a study of the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh with an understanding of how mosaics are made. To start the process of creating our own mosaic version of a Van Gogh artwork, we began to appreciate how mosaics get designed. Producing a simple...



This week Form 6 have begun their work on Shakespeare, prior to studying the play Romeo and Juliet. We used our well-honed research skills to find out about the life and works of the Bard to put the play into context. We will continue to look at Shakespeare’s world as we dig deeper into the...


South America

Form 5 have started their new topic of South America! We have designed our cover pages and learnt about the 12 countries of South America and their capitals! Did you know, Bolivia has two capital cities? La Paz and Sucre!


International Women’s Day

Form 5 have spent some time looking at International Women’s Day, a part of Women’s History Month, this week. Everybody chose a famous woman, whom they find inspirational, we put the names in a box and each child drew out a name. The children then researched their inspiring woman and made a fact file about...


World Book Day

Form 5 had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! It was exciting to dress up as some of our favourite book characters. We designed new front covers for some of our favourite books in class and we spent some time reading with the children in KG2.



The first impression given by any written piece of writing is how neatly presented it is. To this end, we have been working on improving our cursive writing for the past few weeks. I am happy to report that the children are making excellent progress and are – quite rightly – all very proud of...


The Romans

Form 4 have been busy building over the past few weeks. We have just finished our Romans topic in History and the children were asked to end the topic by creating a 3D example of Roman architecture. Every single submission was absolutely wonderful and both Mr. Sullivan and I were so proud of the class...


World Book Day

Form 4 were fortunate enough to enjoy two exciting events on one day. They began the day dressed up to mark our World Book Day celebrations. We enjoyed reading to Form 2 children as we snacked on toast, brioche and milkshakes. The children also began their swimming lessons with a trip to Worsley Leisure Centre....