Author: Branwood School (Branwood School)


Hockey Success

Well done to our lower school hockey team. They had brilliant success at the Salford Schools Hockey Tournament held at Bridgewater School last week. We demonstrated some fantastic skills and scored some brilliant goals, going on to win the whole tournament. Understandably the team are extremely proud of their gold medals and we are very...


Abba Mania

What a wonderful start to Friday morning last week. We started the day celebrating 50 years since Abba won Eurovision with Waterloo. Each class performed a well known Abba song and many children came dressed up – It was amazing,  the hall was rocking and everyone really enjoyed themselves.  


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

A very big thank you from the Pupil Parliament to Tara, her mum & Lana who held a pre-loved uniform sale this week. They raised an amazing £78 which is going to the Lifeshare charity appeal. Each item purchased was saved from going to the landfill and has reduced our carbon footprint. We have an...


Pupil Parliament

We are asking you to LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE. The Great Big Spring clean is underway. As a school, we have pledged to collect 50 bags of rubbish from local communities, and we are asking for help. We have 70 litter pickers available for pupils and families to borrow to take home and litter pick...


Busy Form 3

What a wonderful week again for Form 3 with so much enthusiasm for learning. Form 3 have worked diligently to complete all homework to a high standard, well done. This week in Forest School the children loved taking part in an array of activities, including making flower perfume, creating fire, clay candles and weaving. Lots...



KG1 have had a busy, happy week in school enjoying all their learning. The children had the last Forest school of the term and it was so, so muddy! Nevertheless, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They jumped in the mud, played hide and seek among the trees, planted sunflowers, made leaf soup in the mud...



Form 4 were celebrating the beginning of Spring (despite the rain!) in Forest School by planting sunflowers, weaving and making seed mosaics! We have also made stencils to create a Blitz skyline picture full of contrast and different tones.


Exploring Africa

This week we have explored Africa. In Geography, we located it on the map and studied life in Kenya. We looked at the animals that live there and how the capital city of Nairobi compares to life in a village. In English, we used the iPads to create animal fact files. We learnt how to...


Class Assembly

Form Five have been practicing their vocabulary, as a part of our Complete Comprehension unit. We have made it a little more fun with a dictionary game, where the children see how speedily they can look up new key vocabulary, that crops up on each Comprehension test, in a dictionary. A little friendly competition goes...


The Salford Museum & The Lowry Art Gallery

The highlight of our week has been our school trip to The Salford Museum and The Lowry Art Gallery. We have been learning about life in Victorian times and famous people of that era. At the museum we learnt about a Victorian washday and helped Mr Brown wash his stinky socks. We had fun playing...