Author: Branwood School (Branwood School)


Goldilocks and The Three Bears

This week the children have been showing us just how clever they are, ready for the Easter Reports. They have also enjoyed the first of two weeks concentrating on the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ After reading and understanding the story, they sequenced it and enjoyed hot seating. Children volunteered to be either Goldilocks...



Form 6 were our accomplished physicists this week, as we emulated Sir Isaac Newton’s famous experiments with light and prisms. We decided to test his long-held theory that white light is made up of all of the colours of the rainbow. In our mission to do this, we created ‘colour wheels’. We span our wheels...


Topic Work

We are really enjoying our topic, stories from other cultures. We have read The Runaway Chapati which is set in India and Handa’s Surprise which is set in Kenya. We are looking forward to reading more. In Geography, we have explored Australia and in particular Aboriginal Art. In Science, we have successfully grown and tasted...


The Great British Spring Clean

It was another busy week for Pupil Parliament. Ava-Grace gave stickers out for us to put on our light switches to remind us to save energy by turning off the lights when we leave a room. We are busy creating posters to display around the school to remind parents to turn off their engines when...



On Wednesday we played our first home game in the Worsley Schools netball A league. We hosted Wardley CE Primary School and enjoyed a great match against them, winning 12-5. Our player of the match was awarded to Ella and Lottie was given our player of the week award for great improvement in skills. Well...


Nunchaku Success

Nunchaku Tournament Alaia from KG2 took part in the first Nunchaku sport tournament in the North West last weekend. She won ‘best sports person’ of the tournament for her tenacity, sportsmanship and for her bravery – fighting others a lot older and bigger than her. Well done Alaia – you are amazing and we are...


World Book Day

Form Five have been working so hard on their preparation for their examinations this week! It was nice to have a little break on Thursday, to celebrate World Book Day! Lots of children came to school in their cosy pyjamas and we even had some brilliant book-related costumes! Has anyone seen Wally?


Famous People

What a busy and fun week it’s been! Forest School is always a favourite part of our week and we were blessed with lovely Spring weather for a bug hunt. We have continued to enjoy learning more about Florence Nightingale and produced really thoughtful character writing about how different people such as her parents and...


Crucial Crew & WBD

Last week, Form 6 enjoyed a valuable visit to Crucial Crew at the Haldane Barracks in Salford. Across our three hours there, we learned all about how to stay safe and prevent coming to harm. From learning about the dangers of venturing onto railway lines to understanding why cigarettes and vaping are best avoided, Form...


Busy Week

In Form 3 this week we have started to learn about The Romans, looking at when they ruled and what came before and after them, placing historical events on a timeline. In Forest School this week Form 3 thoroughly enjoyed our session, taking part in a super bug hunt, making caterpillars out of wood and...