Author: Mrs Holroyd (Mrs Holroyd)



Our U11 football team played an extremely exciting cup match at Peel Hall Primary on Wednesday, with the result decided in the last 5 minutes – 4-3 to Peel Hall. This was unfortunate for the boys as the way they played together was excellent and they had lots of opportunities for even more goals! Well done to...


This week in KG 1 the children have been thinking about two very different festivals. The Festival of Diwali takes place this weekend. It is a Festival of light and is celebrated by Hindus and Sikhs across the world. The children enjoyed making Diwali lamps with clay, listening to Diwali stories and making Diwali cards....



All of the class have been working extremely hard this week during our internal examination week. Everyone has been trying their best and the results so far have been very pleasing! We have also been very excited and enthusiastic during our rehearsals for our class assembly to be held on Tuesday morning next week. We...


World Champion

Form 3 have had a wonderful week working extremely hard during our exams. The children have shown great determination and a super attitude each day as they have completed each paper. We are extremely proud of Aurora as she is now a World Champion, winning the gold medal in Ju jitsu, after taking part in...



It has been a very exam-intensive week for the Form 6 children this week. They have maintained their steely approach to exam technique and remain firmly on course. Even with all of this going on, Form 6 still managed to find the time to contemplate the sacrifices made by all those that have died in...



As part of our science topics, animals including humans, Form 1 were given the task to classify a group of animals. It was a funny moment when some of them realised they are indeed animals themselves! We looked at mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles, insects and fish. In the classroom, we have been learning about Diwali...



Notwithstanding the rigors of exam week, Form 4 have begun their new Science topic: ‘Electricity’. This week we looked at different household appliances, grouping them based on whether they are mains- or battery-powered. We then used a Venn diagram to present their findings. Next week we will move on to identifying circuit components and building...


Firework Poems

This week KG2 have been writing firework poems, thinking about safety around fireworks and learning about Diwali. They have impressed us with their ideas describing the sights and sounds of a firework display. In maths the children have learnt about one more and one less. They have also created poppies as part of our discussion...



Form 5 had a nice little break from their exam timetable this week, when they started a new unit in their ICT lessons. The children are going to be learning all about coding, up until the Christmas holidays. Today, the children learnt about what a computer bug is and how to debug a programme; they...


Taking Shape

The new music room is taking shape. Some plastering has been done and the partitioning is in – we are just awaiting the glazing in those. It is so exciting for us to be able to view the progress and we can’t wait to use our new spaces.