Author: Mrs Holroyd (Mrs Holroyd)


Pupil Parliament

Meet the Pupil Parliament Team: Prime Minister Jawaid, Deputy Prime Minister Logan, Deputy Prime Minister Oscar, Russian, Seb, Ava-Grace, Dean, Isabella, Rayyan, Yusha, Alyssa, Chibinyelum and Zoe. This week the team have decided on their three focus areas for this year’s Eco School Award. We will be focusing on School Grounds, Litter and Energy. The...


The Book Fair

This week we received the first delivery of books bought using the money raised from the Book Fair. This included dictionaries, atlases, class reader sets, books to support well-being, and books to develop knowledge and understanding of different cultures. Thank you again for your support during our book fair.


The First Half Term

It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of the first half-term. Form 1 are now into the swing of their new routines and are amazing us daily with the improvements they are making in their work. This week we would like to put the spotlight on their topic homework. Each weekend they...


Lunchtime Dance Club

Earlier this half term, Myla from Form 6 set up a dance club that runs each Monday lunchtime.  The club is open to children from upper school and the current troupe are working on a performance based around the song Ways to Be Wicked from The Descendants movie. The plan is to perform this for...


Mr Men

Continuing our study of author Roger Hargreaves, we now have a lovely cloakroom display. We have painted a character each and did some fantastic first person writing for our characters to introduce themselves. We have also created some very imaginative new characters and used our creative writing skills to write our own books about them....


Food Origins

Form 4 has really enjoyed finding out where their food comes from. We looked at different types of farms in the UK while exploring the process of growing and importing bananas from the Caribbean. We also discovered how pasta is made from Durum wheat grown in Italy. Please support your child by showing them food...


Good Bye from Mr Knott

Form 3 have been fantastic this term and I have really enjoyed teaching them.  On Friday we designed Pointillism pictures in the style of George Seurat.  We have learnt what life was like for Tudor children and the differences between rich and poor families.  We have written Haikus in English using the correct syllable pattern and themes. I...



Form five have been writing their own prayers in RE. We discussed that not everybody has a God, which is fine, we accept everybody in this classroom, regardless of whom or what they believe in. Some of the children chose to write prayers to their God and some chose to write thank you messages but all...


KG2 First Half Term

What a fantastic end to the first half term of KG2. The children have continued to work hard and try their best despite being tired. During our literacy sessions we have been reading ‘Bears in the night’ and we have enjoyed concentrating on prepositions and light and dark. We went on a ‘preposition’ walk, concentrating on what...


First Half Term

          Autumn adventures were highlights for KG1. The children had a super time being scientists, using the magnifying glasses to take a closer look at the different types of leaves they had collected on their Autumn walk. They used their motor skills to do some leaf rubbings with wax crayons and were...